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BTM System

Project Scope

The purpose of the Beam Transmission Monitor (BTM) System is to track the beam particle intensities and transmission looses along the Beam Production Chain (BPC). Therefore the System must collect the data from the Current Transformer and Beam Loss Monitor (?) devices, aggregate and evaluate it over a single BPC.

Roles, Responsibilities, Contacts, Stakeholders

The BTM System will be implemented as Slovenian in-kind contribution to the FAIR project. From the organisational point of view, the project is allocated to the SV (??) group of CSCO department.

Implementation Plan

Next milestones:

  • Requirements collected (date tbd)
  • Project start CSL/XLAB (date tbd)
  • Technical specification ready (date tbd)

News and History

  • 27.04.2017: This page was created
  • 20.04.2017: BTM Workshop took place


Project Minutes and Notes

Functional overview

The actual functionality of the BTM System can be devided into 2 separate components:
  • BTM Concentrator: Responsible for the aggregation of data coming from the devices and building of the data vectors based on those data
  • BTM Rule Engine: Responsible for the evaluation of data, in therms of applying of specific rules on vectors received from the Concentrator and sending those data to the MASP

Functional key points
  • The Concentrator collects the data from the Current Transformer devices (using JAPC), those devices may be FESA (RDA) as well as DevAcc (e.g. UNILAC) devices
  • The Data coming from the devices is also collected and stored by the archiving system (see Archiving System topic and spec.)
  • For some devices the Concentrator requires the information about the state of change (Ladungszustände) to be able to calculate the actual beam intensity values. This information must be delivered from the LSA System
  • After aggregation over a full BPC the BTM concentrator builds a vector of values containing beam intensity values. Those values are send to the Archiving System either over a broker or, directly to the (specific) collector. Data also needs to be published via broker
  • Application which require the data from the BTM System can collect this from broker
  • The BTM Concentrator send the calculated vectors to the BTM Rule Engine
  • The BTM Rule Engine apply defined rules on the incoming vectors. The result of the application is a vector of boolean values. After calculation this vector is send to MASP

Integration overview

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
BTM-Overview.pngpng BTM-Overview.png manage 39 K 27 Apr 2017 - 07:28 VitaliyRapp System Overview
F-DS-C-11e_Beam-Transmission-Monitor-System-v4.0.pdfpdf F-DS-C-11e_Beam-Transmission-Monitor-System-v4.0.pdf manage 255 K 28 Aug 2017 - 06:59 VitaliyRapp  
F-DS-C-12e_Beam-Transmission-Monitor-System-v3.1.docdoc F-DS-C-12e_Beam-Transmission-Monitor-System-v3.1.doc manage 1 MB 16 May 2017 - 14:59 VitaliyRapp (very) Old BTM System Specification
F-TC-C-XXe_Beam_Current_Measurement_v0.4-DRAFT.pdfpdf F-TC-C-XXe_Beam_Current_Measurement_v0.4-DRAFT.pdf manage 621 K 18 May 2017 - 13:59 VitaliyRapp Beam Current Measurement Concept
Topic revision: r9 - 28 Aug 2017, VitaliyRapp
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