50 recent changes in Applications Web retrieved at 08:22 (GMT)

GsiApplicationBase Description GsiApplicationBase is an extension of the existing ApplicationBase class from CERN (accsoft gui fx). It's a basic JavaFx applicati...
Information about driven devices The following aspects are not subject of the actuator DCL (which povides the execution of a single moving command). These details...
Information about Devices General information about specific device types * Information about Actuators in general * Information about driven devices * ...
Information about Actuators * non multiplexed selector for moving (except: Event triggered stepper motors: multiplexed context for event triggered moving.) ...
Handling of Command execution Common command property execution Command properties are used to invoke an action on a device (e.g. Init, Reset, PowerOn /Off, Driv...
Meeting on 2022 11 01 (JF, SH, CH, BP, JP, AW): (moved AW's notes (DCL 237 Command handling)) * We think it is probably not feasible to provide generic “comman...
Meeting on 2022 11 01 (JF, SH, CH, BP, JP, AW): (moved AW's notes (DCL 237 Command handling)) * We think it is probably not feasible to provide generic “comman...
Meeting on 2022 11 01 (JF, SH, CH, BP, JP, AW): (moved AW's notes (DCL 237 Command handling)) * We think it is probably not feasible to provide generic “comman...
Implementation details The special focus here is on the implementation flow! If possible template proposals are made for the respectively implementation issues! ...
Bug Analyses Analyses/documentation for bugs. ParamModi * OutOfMemoryErrors in ParamModi Device Control * April 2021: "Hanging" subscriptions in Device Co...
Surveillance Application Main.JuttaFitzek 20 Jul 2022
Stripper Application Main.JuttaFitzek 29 Mar 2022
Findings related to Prototypes for Set Set Value Comparison 2022 This page documents various findings with regard to Set Set value comparisons (SSVC) that we foun...
r17 - 15 Nov 2022 - 17:20 by AnnekeWalter
DevAcc Device Classes and Adaptations performed for FAIR DevAcc Device classes must be checked for FAIR compatibility and eventually adapted. This Wiki page gives...
r19 - 02 Nov 2022 - 13:36 by JuttaFitzek
General Information for APP Developers Infos about Accelerators, Devices, etc. Information about Devices and Device Interaction Main.JuttaFitzek 02 Nov 2022
NEW - 02 Nov 2022 - 13:06 by JuttaFitzek
Presentations and Workshops * Git Migration Workshop 07. Aug. 2019 * Git Migration and Project Renaming current ToDoList * LSA Basics Training Course 0...
Hauptentwickler bzw. Ansprechpartner / Responsibilities von Anwendungen (Applications) \\srvfilegrp04\ACOGroup\Group_APP\Applications/Apps Responsibilities 2021 0...
r4 - 19 Oct 2022 - 05:19 by AndreasSchaller
* Inverter (P.Kainberger, August 2017): * werden heute kaum noch verwendet (in der Quelle schon, im Ring überhaupt nicht, auch auf Transferstrecken eher nic...
DeviceControl This application is used to monitor and control the devices by operators. The devices of a chain are selectable via context selection and are arrang...
Naming Guideline for the APP group Organizations Organizations in Git group repositories that belong to the same larger project, e.g. lsa, zks, bss, etc. There i...
Windows Shares on ACO user systems Since start of 2021 the correct server is srvfilegrp07.gsi.de, the older server 04 is now read only. how to access a windows sh...
APP Forum Das APP Forum bietet einen Raum, um den Austausch zwischen den Anwendungsentwicklern zu fördern. In einer regelmäßigen Besprechungsserie werden von den ...
Git Cheat Sheet Merge a feature branch into master in one big commit git checkout master git merge squash feature/xxx Resolve any conflicts at that point and th...
r2 - 30 Apr 2022 - 13:43 by JuttaFitzek
App Release 17.0.x Release Build Order (from Reactor Project) Color code before the Release (marked by release engineer or developer): _ = (white) TODO _ = (pi...
r49 - 22 Apr 2022 - 07:13 by JuttaFitzek
Detecting Trims via LSA REST API LSA REST APIS (v2) * PRO: https://restpro00a.acc.gsi.de/lsa/client/v2/status * INT: https://restint00a.acc.gsi.de/lsa/clie...
r3 - 08 Apr 2022 - 07:51 by AnnekeWalter
App Release 17 Notes Release Build Order (from Reactor Project) _ = release branch is already created _ = project is released __ = project shall not be releas...
Requester App The Requester App allows for various experiments as well as the ESR to request beam either continuously or single shot. The application issues the c...
NEW - 29 Mar 2022 - 13:29 by JuttaFitzek
Launcher App The Launcher App and the Fixed Display Launcher App is used to start all main control room applications. Launcher configuration for PRO cluster (inc...
r3 - 29 Mar 2022 - 12:48 by JuttaFitzek
Storage Ring Mode Application The Storage Ring application can be used to create contexts for storage rings and control their execution flow. Screenshot Reposit...
r2 - 29 Mar 2022 - 12:38 by JuttaFitzek
Overview The SchedulingApplication can be used to create and manage patterns ready for operation. Created patterns can be used to supply the facility with data. ...
r23 - 29 Mar 2022 - 11:42 by JuttaFitzek
IonSrcApplication Swing obsolete The existing Java Swing IonSource Application was used only at Cryring and is now obsolete, as the new IonSourceApp Fx is used ...
r7 - 29 Mar 2022 - 11:16 by JuttaFitzek
Digitizer App The DigitizerApp allows to display measured data of the various digitizer installations along the beam line. All devices that can be displayed in th...
r5 - 29 Mar 2022 - 11:06 by JuttaFitzek
Scan app New in R8 * Contour chart when using two setting properties * Properties popup window. It's no longer necessary to select a predefined scan config...
r14 - 29 Mar 2022 - 09:56 by JuttaFitzek
LSA Main Page Mailing Lists * LSA News Announcements related to the Settings Management System * LSA Support Support for the Settings Management System...
r49 - 22 Feb 2022 - 07:46 by RaphaelMueller
Expert Applications * CS Panic App (used for on call duty purposes) * expert beam proseco monitoring app fx Main.JuttaFitzek 15 Apr 2020
r2 - 09 Feb 2022 - 10:50 by AnnekeWalter
Upgrading from OpenJFX 13 to a new version This page is meant to document our upgrade process from OpenJFX 13.0.1 to another version mainly so that we do not fo...
r3 - 21 Jan 2022 - 08:48 by AndreasSchaller
JavaFX Available Literature The AP Group holds two library books related to JavaFX that can be used as a reference: JavaFX 8 Introduction by ExampleJavaFX 8 ...
r27 - 11 Jan 2022 - 11:05 by AnnekeWalter
App Http Client Timeout Configuration Default timeouts available via GsiHttpClientUtils de.gsi.fcc.commons.common.utils.http.GsiHttpClientUtils * httpConnectT...
Git how to protect branches against force push and deletion It is possible in git to change the repository history. This might be handy in feature branches but is...
Http Client Comparison 2021 09 Feature comparison CERN Present HTTPS Keep Alive Connection Pooling Caching HTTP2 WebSocket ...
INT Deploy and Rollout As for the int System we do not perform a real release, but just a snapshot deploy, we call it "int deploy and rollout". Step 1: Clone repo...
r7 - 15 Oct 2021 - 15:09 by AnnekeWalter
Technical Discussion: UNILAC Request for Booster Mode (Lite) Date: 2021 07 15 // Follow up: 2021 07 16 Participants: Dietrich Beck, Hanno Hüther, Mathias Kreider,...
r8 - 15 Sep 2021 - 09:19 by AndreasSchaller
* .WikiGuest * .WikiGuest example #64;your.company * .AndreasSchaller: AppOnCallDutyMain AppRelease13DevelopmentClusterUpdateApril19 AppHowToEclipseConfig...
r33 - 30 Jul 2021 - 12:29 by AnnekeWalter
HKR Screenshots Folder The HKR (Hauptkontrollraum) screenshots can be found on the file share: smb://srvfilegrp04.gsi.de/bbe/
App Development Troubleshooting And Hints Java Fx Headless Tests Fail with GLXBadContext Running Java Fx application tests in headless mode using monocle fails o...
Mark settings as good and retrieve them Workshop conducted on 15 July 2021 Participants * Andreas Schaller * Christoph Hessler * David Ondreka * Fran...
Generell requirements workshop 01 Dec 2017 Workshop 'Workshop zum Thema 'Schnelle Analyse bei strahlverhindernden Ereignissen' 08 Dec 2017 Workshop DAVE Data Ar...
April 2021: "Hanging" subscriptions in Device Control Documentation and notes about a bug we found and fixed in Device Control. Bug Presentation The bug presente...
NEW - 12 May 2021 - 15:56 by AnnekeWalter
Main.ChristianHillbricht 15 Feb 2018
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