You are here: Foswiki>Applications Web>LsaMainPage>LsaInternalOpenPoints (13 Apr 2020, JuttaFitzek)Edit Attach

Structure of the LSA (Applications Group?) folder

generated using "tree --charset US-ASCII -d"
|-- bin      # Generic tools are placed here, and perhaps symlinks to products residing in "opt".
|-- etc # Generic configuration |-- lib # Generic libraries |-- log # Log files |-- htdocs # Folder is exposed through (or | `-- applications | |-- app-is | | |-- 1.0 | | |-- 1.1 | | `-- current | |-- lsa-app-equipstate | | |-- 7.0.8 | | |-- 7.1.0 | | `-- current | `-- lsa-app-trim | |-- 7.0.8 | |-- 7.1.0 | `-- current `-- opt # Each product with its dependencies is placed in a seperat folder in this directory. This keeps the cscoap directory clean. |-- belap | |-- bin | |-- etc | |-- lib | `-- log `-- lsa-server |-- bin |-- etc |-- lib `-- log

Build, Release, Rollout

Build tool will be maven. Basically maven will be used to locally build and unit test a product, then a release will be prepared with the help of the maven release plug-in. This release will be tested using the nightly build (integration test). If this works deployment and rollout can proceed. A documentation of the process can be found here: Release, Deployment, Rollout

Open question: SVN Repository URLs

Core Project dependency structure

Current structure, we build everything in one go and lsa-trim-rules-gsi is part of the core build.
| \
lsa-core-gsi --- lsa-trim-rules-gsi

Seperated lsa-trim-rules-gsi, we build first lsa-domain-generated-gsi, lsa-domain-gsi and lsa-core-gsi.

Production Server (preconditions)

  • jars/libs/logs file system
  • server libs for "online" class loading
  • database
  • JAPC
    • japc-ext-devacc (equipment models, parser, nameserver)
    • japc-ext-cmwrda
    • japc config location
  • webstart
  • jar/libs
  • logs

-- RaphaelMueller - 05 Aug 2013
Topic revision: r8 - 13 Apr 2020, JuttaFitzek
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