+ Audio/Video Multi User Conference, Desktop Sharing, Filetransfer, Chat, Browser Plug-in, Good sound and excellent video quality
+ all platforms supported (PC, MAC, Linux)
- Account necessary
- on linux alpha version from 2016 still has errors that prevent calls, use stable version from 2014
+ Audio/Video Multi User Conference, Desktop Sharing, Document Sharing, Chat, permanent "room", Good sound and bad video quality (e.g. webcam to a whiteboard is not possible)
- Flash, Layout,
No Linux Desktop sharing, No Multi Monitor
- Info from DFN (German Research Network Community) that they are looking for another solution
+ Hosted by CERN, Audio/Video Multi User Conference, Desktop Sharing, permanent "room", Browser Plug-in
- Video in motion is a problem (people moving in front of a whiteboard)
Necessary Plugin does not work for Ubuntu / Linux support missing
Google Hangout
+ all platforms are supported
+ permanent chatgroup with offline messages
+ Audio/Video Multi User Conference, Desktop Sharing, Filetransfer, Chat, Browser Plug-in, Good sound and moderate video quality
o Desktop sharing possible but may be fuzzy if resolution of host is too high
- Account necessary
- Jutta tested
- Can also draw pictures/pdf/equations
JuttaFitzek - 14 Oct 2016