/common/usr/cscoap |-- bin # Directory for startup scripts for all applications |-- log # Directory for log files | `-- zks-db # access log files of zks-db server (zks-client), other logs are redirected to syslog (/common/log/-- RaphaelMueller - 16 Apr 2015) | |-- htdocs # Directory for applications that also may be served using webstart | |-- zks-app-remotecontrol | | |-- 1.2.0 | | | |-- bin | | | `-- lib | | `-- current # Symlink that points to the currently active version | | | `-- zks-app-useradministration | |-- 1.2.0 | | |-- bin | | `-- lib | `-- current # Symlink that points to the currently active version | `-- opt # Directory for non gui applications/services `-- zks-client |-- 1.2.0 | |-- bin | |-- etc # Logging configuration resides here | `-- lib `-- current # Symlink that points to the currently active version