ZKS Development Environment Setup
ZKS System landscape overview
Because access to the database is only possible from the ACC Network, the ZKS Application development takes place on the Controls Infrastructure (ACO INN) managed Linux cluster (machines asl740, asl741, ...).
The ZKS Applications only run inside the ZKS network. From outside, first an ssh login to the ZKS network is mandatory.
A Java 1.11 installation (Open JDK 11) is already installed on the IN Linux cluster. During development keep in mind that the cluster is configured for 64bit (OS, Java, etc.).
Typing "echo $JAVA_HOME" in a console on the cluster should reveal the location of the java installation.
The Eclipse configuration is described
here. Please follow all steps to get a fully configured Eclipse workspace.
Git access to ZKS application sources
Open "Window" -> Perspectives -> Other -> Git perspective" and clone the necessary repositories, which you can find here:
Git organization URL:
The correct code formatter was already configured in the Eclipse configuration step (see above). In order
to format an existing Java file in Eclipse:
- right-click on the file in Java editor -> Source -> Format
- or type: CTRL+SHIFT+F
ALWAYS format files prior to Git checkin.
The Infrastructure group provides information how to setup maven in Eclipse. Please follow the steps "Maven and Eclipse" and "Configuring the Maven instance used in Eclipse" at this point:
Setting up needed projects in Eclipse
To import all necessary projects from the Git repository, clone all zks-* repositories and import the projects, select the cloned repository, open it, right mouse click on "working Tree" -> Import Project.
(Note: the project zks-utilities is not part of the dependencies of the ZKS applications. It is only a collection of tools used during development, e.g. database import utilities, database scripts, etc.).
You can now switch back to the Java perspective.
After checkout of the projects, the resulting project dependencies should look like the following ZKS Java Package Structure:
Getting a running application
General aspects
1. Select the appropriate application,
either specify
-Dzks.tier=2 -Dzks.database=dev (or: test, pro)
-Dzks.tier=3 -Dzks.server=pro
as VM properties in the corresponding run configuration.
Optional: For a local log4j configuration file, just add:
2. Everything should be running
Testing Remote Control
To test the Remote Control Program, you need to receive the ZKS Packages through their own Protocol, usually only available inside the ZKS web. For testing purposes, you can use an ssh tunnel
ssh jfitzek@zkl00e.acc.gsi.de -L 13334:zkl00e.acc.gsi.de:21377
and connect to localhost:13334 in the Remote Control Application (13334 ist just an example).
Getting logging output
Everything about logging configuration is described in the corresponding
Logging HowTo.
Please note, that the standard logstash server is not accessible from within the ZKS network. Therefore, for ZKS, only file output is supported!!!
Oracle SQL Developer
How to configure and use the SQLDeveloper ist descriebed in the corresponding SQLDeveloper
Connection Details (user, host etc.)
List of Databases:
List of ZKS users:
User Name |
Description |
Table owner |
User for the applications to access the DB content |
Special user with full read but restricted write access |
Since the access is limited for data protection privacy reasons, passwords have to be explicitely requested with Jutta Fitzek or Susi Jülicher and can only be given to people involved directly in the ZKS project.
JuttaFitzek - 22 Jul 2019
JuttaFitzek - 07 Jan 2015
JuttaFitzek - 11 Feb 2011