Test Plans


Save, Trim and drive

  1. Start application
  2. Select a context in 'ParamModi - Resident' tab.
  3. Enter a value slightly different to the old value for a correction angle or similar.
  4. Click on the 'An Geräte schicken' button.
Expected: The text in the statusbar should indicate that sending of setting has been completed successfully and no parameters were sent to hardware.

Save & Trim

  1. Start application
  2. Select a context in 'ParamModi - Resident' tab.
  3. Enter a value slightly different to the old value for a correction angle or similar.
  4. Click on the 'An Geräte schicken' button.
  5. Open the split button labeled 'An Geräte schicken' and click the 'Speichern/Übernehmen' menu item.
Expected: 'Speichern erfolgreich' is displayed in the status bar.

Scheduling App

BSS Control

Ionsource Control

  1. Turn on/off device: DONE, ALERT!
  2. Reset: DONE, ALERT!
  3. Device status updated: DONE, ALERT!
  4. Selection of gas (gas inlet device): DONE, ALERT!
  5. Extraction: Switch delimiter: DONE, ALERT!
  6. Inverter: will be tested by B. Grasmück

HF Control

  1. Start application by launcher: DONE (in principle without testing the terminal configuration)
  2. J.Mohr: will be tested by LRF in August 2019


  1. Turn on/off device: DONE
  2. Reset: DONE
  3. Device status updated: DONE
  4. Status of all devices (of a chain) updated: DONE
  5. Change chain selection: DONE
  6. Check table area content: DONE, ALERT!
  7. Driving gate valve: DONE, ALERT!
  8. Show measurement values of all gate valves of a chain. Expected:Measurement values of all gate valves are considered: DONE
  9. Driving pneumatic actuator.Expected: Activity icon to be seen during driving process, update of device status when driving process finished: DONE, ALERT!
  10. Driving slit/steppermotor.Expected: Activity icon to be seen during driving process, update of device status when driving process finished: DONE, ALERT!

-- ChristianHillbricht - 24 Apr 2019
Topic revision: r7 - 23 Jan 2023, BenjaminPeter
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