To start a session as sysdba: | sqlplus sys@tnsname as sysdba; |
To start a sysdba session under Windows (9iAS): | sqlplus "/as sysdba" |
To list all tables in current schema: | SELECT table_name FROM user_tables; |
or, all tables current user has access to: | SELECT table_name FROM all_tables; |
To list all schemas: | SELECT username FROM all_users ORDER BY username; |
To turn pause on: | SET PAUSE ON; |
To list top n rows of a table in order: | SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY c) WHERE ROWNUM <= n; |
Show current database: | SELECT * FROM global_name; |
Use database: | CONNECT schema/password@tnsname; |
Show who I am: | SHOW USER; |
Describe table: | DESC tablename; |
Set display rows: | SET PAGESIZE 66; |
Read field constraints: | SELECT constraint_name,search_condition FROM user_constraints WHERE table_name='tablename'; |
Copy table from foreign host to here: | COPY FROM user@tnsname CREATE tablename USING SELECT * FROM tablename; |
Start SQLPLUS without login: | SQLPLUS /NOLOG |
Change a user's password: | ALTER USER user IDENTIFIED BY password; |
Unlock an account | ALTER USER user ACCOUNT UNLOCK; |
Empty the current users recyclebin | PURGE RECYCLEBIN; |
Restore a deleted table from the recyclebin | FLASHBACK TABLE <tab_name> TO BEFORE DROP [RENAME TO <tab_neu>]; |
Flashback one or several tables | FLASHBACK TABLE user.tab_name1, user.tab_name1 TO TIMESTAMP (SYSTIMESTAMP – INTERVAL '10' MINUTE); |
Flashback a database by one day | SQL> SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE SQL> STARTUP MOUNT SQL> FLASHBACK DATABASE TO TIMESTAMP (sysdate-1/24); The database is now in an older consistent state and is only accessible with OPEN RESETLOGS: SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS; |
Delete all leftover beamprocesses that once belonged to a supercycle | declare type id_table is table of beamprocesses.BEAMPROCESS_ID%type index by binary_integer; found_bp_id id_table; begin dbms_output.ENABLE(10000); select beamprocess_id bulk collect into found_bp_id from beamprocesses bp where bp.CONTEXT_TYPE = 'SC' and not exists ( select null from supercycle_beamprocesses sbp where sbp.beamprocess_id = bp.beamprocess_id ); for i in found_bp_id.first .. found_bp_id.last loop dbms_output.PUT_LINE(found_bp_id(i)); settings_management.delete_beamprocess(found_bp_id(i)); end loop; end; / --------------------------------------------------------- declare type id_table is table of beamprocesses.BEAMPROCESS_ID%type index by binary_integer; l1 beamprocesses.BEAMPROCESS_ID%type; i beamprocesses.BEAMPROCESS_ID%type; found_bp_id id_table; begin dbms_output.ENABLE(10000); select beamprocess_id bulk collect into found_bp_id from beamprocesses bp where bp.CONTEXT_TYPE = 'SC' and not exists ( select null from supercycle_beamprocesses sbp where sbp.beamprocess_id = bp.beamprocess_id ); l1 := found_bp_id.first; while (l1 is not null) loop dbms_output.PUT_LINE(l1); l1 :=; --settings_management.delete_beamprocess(l1); end loop; end; |
delete all obsolete device types | delete from device_types_og where device_type_id in ( select device_type_id from device_types_og dt where not exists (select * from properties_og p, parameter_types_og pt where p.property_id = and p.device_type = dt.device_type_id) and not exists (select * from devices where device_type_id = dt.device_type_id) and src = 'LSA'); |
grant all privileges to LSA; | For test database purposes: grant all privileges to another user, here to the user LSA. |
-- drop an (re)create synonyms for the lsa_data tablespace SET serveroutput ON; DECLARE l_access_rights VARCHAR2(1) := 'W'; -- can be 'W' for write or 'R' for read access l_from_user VARCHAR2(30) := 'LSA'; -- table owner of the real tables l_to_user VARCHAR2(30) := 'LSA_APPS'; -- user that should receive the synonyms BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.enable(1000000); -- drop all the existing synonyms for l_to_user that point to tables from l_from_user FOR x IN (SELECT 'DROP SYNONYM "' || l_to_user || '"."' || synonym_name || '";' stmt FROM (SELECT synonym_name FROM all_synonyms WHERE owner = l_to_user AND table_owner = l_from_user) ) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(x.stmt); END LOOP; -- (re)create synonyms for l_to_user that point to tables and views from l_from_user FOR x IN (SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE FROM all_objects WHERE object_type in ('TABLE', 'VIEW', 'SEQUENCE', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION', 'PACKAGE', 'TYPE') AND owner = l_from_user ORDER BY object_name) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM "' || l_to_user || '"."' || x.OBJECT_NAME || '" FOR "' || l_from_user || '"."' || x.OBJECT_NAME || '";'); IF x.object_type IN ('TABLE','VIEW') THEN IF l_access_rights = 'W' THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE ON "' || l_from_user || '"."' || x.OBJECT_NAME || '" TO "' || l_to_user || '";'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('GRANT SELECT ON "' || l_from_user || '"."' || x.OBJECT_NAME || '" TO "' || l_to_user || '";'); END IF; ELSIF x.object_type IN ('SEQUENCE') THEN IF l_access_rights = 'W' THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('GRANT SELECT, ALTER ON "' || l_from_user || '"."' || x.OBJECT_NAME || '" TO "' || l_to_user || '";'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('GRANT SELECT ON "' || l_from_user || '"."' || x.OBJECT_NAME || '" TO "' || l_to_user || '";'); END IF; ELSIF x.object_type IN ('PROCEDURE','FUNCTION','PACKAGE') THEN IF l_access_rights = 'W' THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('GRANT EXECUTE ON "' || l_from_user || '"."' || x.OBJECT_NAME || '" TO "' || l_to_user || '";'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('REVOKE EXECUTE ON "' || l_from_user || '"."' || x.OBJECT_NAME || '" FROM "' || l_to_user || '";'); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.new_line(); END; /
grant select any table to lsaread; alter user lsaread quota unlimited on users;-- JuttaFitzek - 06 Jan 2015