You are here: Foswiki>Applications Web>AppHowToMain>AppHowToContainer (09 Oct 2023, AnnekeWalter)Edit Attach
The official page with information regarding Containers resided in the IN Web:


At least for APP services, the artifacts should be automatically deployed by Jenkins. Check to see what was deployed. E.g.

Rollout & Restart of Already Configured Development Containers

First follow the IN instructions to properly configure K8s:

After that you can login to the buildhost, clone the configuration GIT repository (if necessary) and restart the services:

$ ssh -A asl503
                                    _ ____   ___ _____ 
                           __ _ ___| | ___| / _ \___ / 
                          / _` / __| |___ \| | | ||_ \ 
                         | (_| \__ \ |___) | |_| |__) |
                          \__,_|___/_|____/ \___/____/ 
  OS: Rocky 9; HW: ovirt 0b

  podman buildhost

Last login: Mon Feb  6 11:14:24 2023 from
$ git clone -b dev
$ cd namespaces
$ make restart
kubectl -n development rollout restart deployment
deployment.apps/lsa-rest-gsi restarted
deployment.apps/lsa-server-gsi restarted
deployment.apps/spring-config-server restarted
deployment.apps/surveillance-common-service restarted

If you have already cloned the configuration GIT repository, you just need to pull it:
$ cd namespaces
$ git pull
$ make ...

If you want to restart only a single service, you can do e.g.:

# Look up what is running:
# kubectl get all -n ${environment} 
$ kubectl get all -n development

# Restart a single service 
# kubectl -n ${environment} rollout restart deployment ${your_service} 
$ kubectl -n development rollout restart deployment lsa-server-gsi

(Look at the Makefile from the configuration GIT repository to see more possibly helpful commands!)

-- RaphaelMueller - 07 Feb 2023
Topic revision: r4 - 09 Oct 2023, AnnekeWalter
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