Project Scope:
  • Port of devacc classes DS, DGX, PPOS, CEHV to FESA (acc9/yocto)
  • Testing of ported FESA classes using real hardware
  • Rollout and testing for all related devices is not included in the project

In Process

Post-Project Notes

Further plans, after the Cosylab project got finished
  • Don't upgrade any Unilac devacc classes to Fesa for 2024 (Because Pulszentrale + LSA Setup are frozen) * Plan is to swap only SIS and ESR devices for all classes

Q & A
  • Are the devacc classes DSKM, DSM DME as well in scope of the port?
    • No, so far only DS itself (According to Klaus Höppner)
  • Which Hardware is involved here:
    • Each SCU has 1...n SIO's. Each SIO controls 1...n IFC's (Interface Cards) via MIL Bus (See attached image)
  • Meetings:
    • Next meeting will be on 16.01.24 ... then we will see how to proceed
  • Testing:
    • Done by Cosylab person + GSI hardware contact person
    • Get/Set of all properties should be tested in all possible device-states
    • Reaction on timing events, if any (can be simulated on FEC, no need to run a full schedule)
    • Interlock behavior, if there are any interlocks/interrupts
    • GSI hardware contact person should give his "ok" to confirm that things work as expected
  • Are there any meeting notes ?
  • Devacc supports SDI and SDN MIL-Bus communication for DS and DGX devices. What about the Fesa class ?
    • The Fesa classes does not need to support the SDN types (ancient 8085 microprocessor, SDuP variant, aka "SDMicrocomputer"), since it is anyhow planned to replace them by SDI hardware.
    • SDuP --> replacement might take beam-diagnostics some years (According to RoFi(Roland Fischer)), since they are short on manpower
  • Should DS (and maybe PPOS) fulfill any stepper-motor API standards ?
    • Until today (10.01.24) no such standard has been created, so there is nothing which could be fulfilled
    • Once such a standard is in place, the Fesa properties API of DS and PPOS can be modified accordingly
  • Why there are motor, slit and collimator-devices in DSStepperMotor ?
    • Each Slit corresponds to 2 motors, each collimator corresponds to 2 slits
    • Actually for slits and collimator only the Status property can be used
    • It is not clear if slit/collimator devices were used at all in deviceaccess, since they were calling directly motor-functions, which does not make much sense
  • Who/When client applications will be ported from devacc to Fesa ?
    • Port of client applications will not be part of this project, since rollout will happen only afterward (timeframe not yet clear)
  • DGX: What is a "Kopfverstärker"
    • SIS SDI Devices seem to be the so called "Kopfverstärker Variante"
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
20231207_111157_modified.jpgjpg 20231207_111157_modified.jpg manage 2 MB 19 Dec 2023 - 14:01 AlexanderSchwinn IFC (Interface Card)
DGX_Multiplexer_und_Verstärker_kommentiert.jpgjpg DGX_Multiplexer_und_Verstärker_kommentiert.jpg manage 5 MB 20 Feb 2024 - 10:55 AlexanderSchwinn DGX Multiplexer
DGX_Steuerelektronik_kommentiert.jpgjpg DGX_Steuerelektronik_kommentiert.jpg manage 5 MB 20 Feb 2024 - 09:08 AlexanderSchwinn DGX Steuerelektronik mit Kommentaren
DS_Schrittmotorboxen_kommentiert.jpgjpg DS_Schrittmotorboxen_kommentiert.jpg manage 5 MB 20 Feb 2024 - 10:54 AlexanderSchwinn DS Schrittmotorboxen mit Kommentaren
Notes Cosylab.emleml Notes Cosylab.eml manage 21 K 20 Dec 2023 - 13:04 AlexanderSchwinn Email with some notes related to past cosylab coordination meetings
Profilegrid_Interface_with_DP_RAM.pdfpdf Profilegrid_Interface_with_DP_RAM.pdf manage 423 K 04 Jun 2024 - 11:18 AlexanderSchwinn DGX Hardware Interface
Topic revision: r27 - 26 Jul 2024, AlexanderSchwinn
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