API for creating server objects


#define UV_LOGICAL   0
#define UV_BYTE   1
#define UV_INTEGER   2
#define UV_LONG   3
#define UV_DOUBLE   4
#define UV_STRING   5
 vector of logical
#define UV_BYTE_VECTOR   7
 vector of byte
 vector of integer
#define UV_LONG_VECTOR   9
 vector of long
#define UV_DOUBLE_VECTOR   10
 vector of double
#define UV_STRING_VECTOR   11
 vector of string
#define UV_OBJECT   12
 file has a object value
#define UV_READONLY   0x01
 the file is readonly
#define UV_READWRITE   0x02
 the file is readwrite
#define UV_MUTABLE   0x04
 the file value is mutable i.e. it can be subscribed for
#define UV_ROOT   0
 folder id of the root folder


typedef unsigned int uv_folder_t
typedef unsigned int uv_queue_t
typedef unsigned int uv_mount_t
typedef unsigned int uv_file_t
typedef unsigned int uv_value_t
typedef void * UV_VALUE
typedef int(*) UV_CHANGE_CB (char *adr, int type, UV_VALUE val, int cnt, void *userarg)
typedef int(*) UV_ADD_CB (char *path, char *filename)
typedef int(*) UV_RM_CB (char *fileadr)
typedef int(*) UV_FILE_CB (char *filepath, uv_file_t file, void *userarg)


enum  uv_loglevel_e {
  UV_LOG = 0x01, UV_ERROR = 0x02, UV_INFO = 0x04, UV_DEBUG = 0x08,
  UV_TIMER = 0x10, UV_TREE = 0x20
 log level


int uv_init (char *mive, UV_CHANGE_CB cb)
int uv_set_structure_cbs (UV_ADD_CB add_cb, UV_RM_CB rm_cb)
int uv_burst_delay (int ms)
int uv_online (void)
int uv_offline (void)
int uv_tree (char *path, char *fn, uv_folder_t folder_id)
uv_folder_t uv_folder_new (char *mive, int major, int minor)
int uv_folder_free (uv_folder_t folder_id)
uv_queue_t uv_queue_new (char *mive, int major, int minor)
uv_mount_t uv_mount_ip_new (char *host, int port, char *filepath)
uv_mount_t uv_mount_name_new (char *service_name, char *filepath)
int uv_file_new (uv_folder_t folder_id, char *name, int mode, char *description, int type, void *val, int cnt, void *userarg)
int uv_file_add (char *foldername, char *filename, int mode, char *description, int type, UV_VALUE pval, int cnt, void *userarg)
int uv_file_rm (char *filepath)
int uv_queue_push (char *queuepath, char *name, char *description, int type, void *val, int cnt)
int uv_file_set_arg (char *filepath, void *arg)
int uv_file_set (char *filepath, int idx, int type, UV_VALUE val)
int uv_file_val (char *filepath, int type, UV_VALUE val, int count)
int uv_file_set_logical (char *adr, unsigned char *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for logicals
int uv_file_set_byte (char *adr, char *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for byte
int uv_file_set_int (char *adr, int *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for integer
int uv_file_set_long (char *adr, long long int *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for long long
int uv_file_set_double (char *adr, double *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for double
int uv_file_set_string (char *adr, char *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for string
int uv_file_set_logical_vector (char *adr, int idx, unsigned char *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for vector of logical
int uv_file_set_byte_vector (char *adr, int idx, char *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for vector of byte
int uv_file_set_int_vector (char *adr, int idx, int *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for vector of integer
int uv_file_set_long_vector (char *adr, int idx, long long int *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for vector of long long
int uv_file_set_double_vector (char *adr, int idx, double *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for vector of double
int uv_file_set_string_vector (char *adr, int idx, char *pval)
 wrapper function of uv_file_set for vector of string
int uv_traverse (uv_file_t root_folder, char *anchor, UV_FILE_CB cb, void *userarg)
int uv_read_fs (char *fsrootpath)
uv_folder_t uv_value_root (void)
uv_file_t uv_value_root_file (void)

Detailed Description

This API contains the functionality to set up an uv server. You construct a file system like tree structure of values. Changes of the value tree resulting from client write commands are distributed by a change callback to the API caller. Vice versa, setting of the values locally in the server will result in messaging to subscribed clients.

Define Documentation

#define UV_LOGICAL   0


file value types this corresponds to xvalue.xml union members, so keep it compatible

#define UV_READONLY   0x01

the file is readonly

file modes

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(*) UV_ADD_CB(char *path, char *filename)

callback function which is called when file is added externally by some client

path the parentfolder of the added file as string

typedef int(*) UV_CHANGE_CB(char *adr, int type, UV_VALUE val, int cnt, void *userarg)

callback function which is called when file value is changed externally by some client

adr the adress of the changed value as string
type the value type
val pointer to value
cnt in case of vector value this is the number of elements
userarg argument supplied by user during creation of the file

typedef int(*) UV_FILE_CB(char *filepath, uv_file_t file, void *userarg)

callback function which is called during tree traversal

filepath path of the file object
file file object
userarg user supplied data

typedef int(*) UV_RM_CB(char *fileadr)

callback function which is called when file is removed externally by some client

fileadr the adress of the removed file as string

Function Documentation

int uv_burst_delay ( int  ms  ) 

set burst mode time delay, default is 250 ms

ms time delay between triggering and flushing of output queue 10 <= ms <= 1000
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_file_add ( char *  foldername,
char *  filename,
int  mode,
char *  description,
int  type,
UV_VALUE  pval,
int  cnt,
void *  userarg 

add a file to a folder (folder has to exist) and send a structurechange notification to all subscribers of the folder

foldername name of the folder the file is created in
name name of the file (path not(!) included)
mode read/write/mutable
type the type of the file (byte,int,double,...)
val pointer to filevalue (if the filevalue is a folder, the value is the folder_id)
cnt number of elements in case of an vector
userarg callback due to client-write is called with this argument see UV_CHANGE_CB
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_file_new ( uv_folder_t  folder_id,
char *  name,
int  mode,
char *  description,
int  type,
void *  val,
int  cnt,
void *  userarg 

Create a file in a folder (the value may be a folder). The creation has to be done before server communication starts. All provided information is copied.

folder_id id of the folder the file shall be created in (returned by uv_folder_new())
name name of the file (path not included)
mode read/write/mutable
description character string information to describe this file
type the type of the file (byte,int,double,...)
val pointer to filevalue (if the filevalue is a folder, the filevalue is the folder_id returned by uv_folder_new())
cnt number of elements in case of vectorvalue
userarg callback due to client-write is called with this argument see UV_CHANGE_CB
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_file_rm ( char *  filepath  ) 

remove file recursively (if file is folder, all files and folders beyond will be removed too). A structure change notification is send to any subscriber of parent folder

filepath absolute path name of file to remove
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_file_set ( char *  filepath,
int  idx,
int  type,
UV_VALUE  val 

set local value of a scalar data object or an array-member Any subscriber (client) of the object will be informed about value change

filepath name of data object
idx if filevalue is array, this is the index
type the type of filevalue
val pointer to value to set
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_file_set_arg ( char *  filepath,
void *  arg 

set callers argument

filepath name of data object
userarg callback due to client-write is called with this argument
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_file_val ( char *  filepath,
int  type,
UV_VALUE  val,
int  count 

replace local value of a data object (arrays are completely replaced). Any subscriber (client) of the object will be informed about value change

filepath name of data object
type the type of value, it must fit to the file's value type
val pointer to value to set (for arrays this must be a dynamically allocated array to the data)
count if filevalue is array, this is the array count
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_folder_free ( uv_folder_t  folder_id  ) 

free the memory of a folder which has never been inserted to the root tree e.g. to put to a queue and was created with uv_folder_new()

folder_id folder which is freed
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

uv_folder_t uv_folder_new ( char *  mive,
int  major,
int  minor 

create a data object container i.e. folder

mive the "multipurpose internet value type" of the folder to create (maybe empty ""), it defines just a tagname for the structure (type) of the folder
major version major
minor version minor
  • >0: Folder ID
  • else: Error

int uv_init ( char *  mive,

inits the internal structures

mive the "multipurpose internet value type" of this servers tree structure to create (maybe empty ""), it defines a tag for the structure (type) of the root folder or service
cb callback is called when value data is changed externally
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

uv_mount_t uv_mount_ip_new ( char *  host,
int  port,
char *  filepath 

Creates a mount object, the information how to reach a subtree of another server is given by hostname/IP-address and port.

host internet host of server
port port number of server
filepath absolute path to subtree on remote server
  • >0: mount id
  • else: Error

uv_mount_t uv_mount_name_new ( char *  service_name,
char *  filepath 

Creates a mount object, information how to reach a subtree of another server is given by name

service_name name of the service
filepath absolute path to subtree on remote server
  • >0: mount id
  • else: Error

int uv_offline ( void   ) 

set service offline, disable communication with clients

  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_online ( void   ) 

set service online, enable communication with clients

  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

uv_queue_t uv_queue_new ( char *  mive,
int  major,
int  minor 

Creates a data object sink, i.e. queue (first in first out). File objects added to this container are immediately send to subscribers.

mive "multipurpose internet value type" of queue to create (maybe empty "")
major version major
minor version minor
  • >0: Fifo ID
  • else: Error

int uv_queue_push ( char *  queuepath,
char *  name,
char *  description,
int  type,
void *  val,
int  cnt 

push a file in queue. The file is sent to any subscriber of the queue, the files value may be a folder.

filepath absolute path name of queue
name name of the file to put to queue (path not included)
type the type of the file (byte,int,double,...)
val pointer to filevalue (if the filevalue is a folder, the value is the folder_id)
cnt number of elements in case of an vector
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_read_fs ( char *  fsrootpath  ) 

Reads uv file values from file system

fsrootpath file system entry point uv file values are searched in
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_set_structure_cbs ( UV_ADD_CB  add_cb,
UV_RM_CB  rm_cb 

sets the callbacks to be called for external structure change requests (file adding or removing)

add_cb callback is called when file is added externally
rm_cb callback is called when file is remooved externally
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_traverse ( uv_file_t  root_folder,
char *  anchor,
void *  userarg 

Traverse a uv-tree and call callback with path and file

proot start point of traversal (if NULL, uv-root is taken)
anchor uv-pathname of start point (if NULL, "/" is taken)
cb callback function which is called for each file object and userag
userarg user argument to call callback with
  • 0: OK
  • else: Error

int uv_tree ( char *  path,
char *  fn,
uv_folder_t  folder_id 

reads server structure from a file in filesystem and adds it to folder

path path to file on filesystem containing structure information
fn name of file on filesystem containing structure information
folder_id uv folder to which the structure will be added
  • 0: OK
  • <0: Error

uv_folder_t uv_value_root ( void   ) 

get root folder handle

root folder id

uv_file_t uv_value_root_file ( void   ) 

get root file handle

root file id

Generated on 4 Mar 2014 for uv by  doxygen 1.4.7