50 recent changes in System Web retrieved at 07:50 (GMT)

Comment box with CommentPlugin The CommentPlugin allows users to quickly post comments to a page without an edit/preview/save cycle. Write %COMMENT{ attributes ...
SpreadSheetPlugin for dynamic content Over 80 formulae are available through the SpreadSheetPlugin. For Example: * $AVERAGE() * $IF() * $REPLACE() * $...
SlideShowPlugin for presentations Use SlideShowPlugin to convert a topic with headings and bullets into a slideshow presentation. This plugin is useful when conte...
Custom rendered bullets RenderListPlugin can render bulleted lists in a variety of different ways. Use %RENDERLIST{ parameters }% before any bulleted list. More ...
Keyword search Interactive search is a keyword search by default. For example, to search for all topics that contain "SOAP", "WSDL", a literal "web service", but ...
RSS news feed of topic changes You can use an RSS news reader to find out what is new in a Foswiki web. This complements WebChanges that shows recent changes in a...
Tips Contrib Package Displays a rotating "Tip of the Day" to help familiarize new users with Foswiki features. Includes an application for creating custom tips fo...
Tips Of The Day These are all tips of the day. They are located in the web (official distribution tips) and web (custom tips). Custom (local) tips Total: Cus...
Add New Tip Of The Day There are Custom Tips maintained on your local Foswiki installation, Official Tips distributed with the Tips Contrib, and Plugin Tips maint...
Tip Of The Day Administration Adminstrative Pages TipsOfTheDay Aggregated List of All Tips, from and . TipsOfTheDayAddNew Add A New Tip Tips...
Tips Of the Day Include This Page randomly picks a Tip of the day to display. The includes the part between the horizontal rules. Tip of the Day ...
Heading Quick Summary with link to more information. See More Tips...
Tips Tips are tips and hints contributed by users. Use this form to search for tips. You can contribute new tips here. Search (perl regular expression): " decode...
TopicUserMappingContrib The User Mapping Manager interface provides services for mapping between a 'user identity' as used when talking to an external authenticat...
UpdatesPlugin Checks Foswiki.org for updates This plugin is used to keep administrators informed of updates to their installed extensions via a pop up message at ...
User Form This is a maintenance topic, used by the Wiki administrator. Data form definition of user topics Name Type Size Values Description ...
User Form Help %IF{"$ BASEWEB=''" then="%IF{"istopic '.UserFormHelp'" then="This is the default user form. You have also created a customized copy at .UserForm ...
%IF{ "istopic '.UserRegistration'" then="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.UserRegistration$quot warn=$quot$quot}$percent" else="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.DefaultUserRegist...
User Registration components This topic contains the pieces that are assembled into the UserRegistration page. There is no need to modify this topic. If a sectio...
User Settings preference settings customizable by users Some of the preference settings are explicitly intended to be customized by users, though a default is p...
A List of User Tools List of tools the user may need for setting and resetting passwords, changing email address etc.
List of Foswiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by ...
TinyMCE FAQs Frequently Asked Questions of the TinyMCEPlugin integration. Q: The editor takes over the standard edit screen. That's OK, but how do I get access t...
TinyMCEPlugin This is an integration of the fast and highly functional TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor. It supports a wide range of browsers, including Firefox, IE, Safari...
TinyMCE Editor Help Summary * Normal Normal text style * Heading 1 6 Headings; 1 is largest * On save, content in this HTML editor is automatical...
Smilies Plugin : ) Smilies are common in e mail messages and bulletin board posts. They are used to convey an emotion, such as a smile : ) or a frown : ( . This p...
Subscribe Plugin Example (only works if plugin is installed, and you are logged in you are: and you are not .WikiGuest): This version is designed for use w...
Table Plugin Gives extra control of table display: * Sorting * Setting visual table properties like border width, cell spacing and cell padding * Setting...
CALC add spreadsheet calculations to tables and outside tables The %CALC{"formula"}% macro is handled by the SpreadSheetPlugin. There are around 90 formulae, such...
CALCULATE add spreadsheet formulae calls using standard Macro evaluation order. The %CALCULATE{"formula"}% macro is handled by the SpreadSheetPlugin. There are ar...
SUBSCRIBE{ attributes } subscribe the current user for notification of changes to the current topic Anywhere in a topic or template: * %SUBSCRIBE{...}% or si...
TABLE control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns The %TABLE{}% macro is handled by the TablePlugin Attributes for tables Parameter ...
*Name* Type Size Value Description Attributes WEBBGCOLOR text 20 #FFD8AA HTML Color S FAVICON text 30 /System/WebPreferences/fav...
PreferencesPlugin Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a .DataForms. However, the edit fields are inlined in the text, similar to how tables a...
Pub Link Fixup Plugin This plugin performs pub link fixup of the generated HTML page. If Foswiki is configured with a non utf 8 {Store}{Encoding}, then links to ...
RCSStoreContrib Foswiki 2.0 and later only This is the modern implementation of the classic Foswiki RCS based store. It has been moved into a contrib as other sto...
Render List Plugin Syntax Rules RENDERLIST Macro * Place a %RENDERLIST{ parameters }% before any bullet list * The lists can be handcrafted, generate...
Slide Show Plugin Introduction There is already a de facto standard for presentations, so why this plugin? This plugin makes sense for organizations that already...
RENDERLIST render bullet lists in a variety of formats The %RENDERLIST% macro is handled by the RenderListPlugin Examples * Engineering * Tech Pub...
SLIDESHOWEND end slideshow The %SLIDESHOWEND% macro is handled by the SlideShowPlugin Examples See SLIDESHOWSTART Related SLIDESHOWSTART, SlideShowPlugin
SLIDESHOWSTART convert a topic with headings into a slideshow Handled by the SlideShowPlugin Parameters Parameter Description template optional n...
NatEditHelpText Help text for the NatEditPlugin editor About the editor This edit interface is available in two different modes: (1) WYSIWYG (what you see is what...
Natural Edit Plugin Description The NatEdit is an wiki editor that helps in learning the TML Language by providing a GUI. By design, this is not a wysiwyg editor...
Pattern skin Select a theme to change the look, or tune the entire appearance with CSS or templates. Browse available themes You may quickly change the appearanc...
CSS elements in PatternSkin This page is a reference for all CSS classes used in PatternSkin. PatternSkin uses 4 stylesheets: * layout.css: positioning of bloc...
.PatternSkin CSS Cookbook Questions and answers on how to customize the default look of Foswiki for your own needs, using style sheets. For configuring page eleme...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Center the page This recipe shows how center the page horizontally and vertically. This line loads the extra style definition: *...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Center the page with a border This recipe shows how to put a border around the page, while centering the page horizontally. The exa...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: EditTable style Cookbook example to illustrate control over EditTable edit styles. 1 EditTable uses a monospace font in edit mod...
PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Font variation Cookbook example with other fonts and font colors. This line loads the extra style definition: * Set USERSTYLEURL...
Number of topics: 50
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See also: rss-small RSS feed, recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes
Topic revision: r1 - 06 Aug 2023, UnknownUser
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