
Devacc Framework

CIA Equipment Model

Testing on scuxl0640

  • Make sure that the fec uses the correct bootimage (yocto): pxe-config -l scuxl0640
  • Create some scuxl0640.dbs file out of the scuxl0640.dbd file. Use dbsgen (installed on asl) for that.
  • Copy all the binaries/libs and the scuxl0640.dbs files into some folder on that system. E.g. scp root@scuxl0640:/home/root
  • Login to scuxl0640
  • Define which nameserver to use:
    ## Use the int nameserver
    ## Or use the pro nameserver
    ## Or use the pro nameserver via some old URL which links to the new one
    ## Define the port to use (same for all nameservers)
    export ACC_NAMESERVER_PORT=52315
  • Create a loc directory if missing
    • [ -d /var/lock/acc ] || mkdir -p /var/lock/acc
  • Open port for alarms
    • echo "AccAlarm 54321/udp" >> /etc/services
  • Run devman
    • devman --persistent
  • You should see now:
    • Devman is running as SCUXL0640...
  • Check for errors:
Topic revision: r4 - 12 Sep 2024, AlexanderSchwinn
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