Usage of the Directory(Name) Server

Information about the currently running directory server you can find here!

To use this server, some environment variables have to be set on your system. This usualy is done in the .bash_profile in your home folder. You just need to run one of the already provided sripts there:

In your .bash_profile you can call the fesalogin-script. To work this script needs the file fesa.conf at /etc/fesa

On the blade center you can call the global file: /acc/local/share/fesa/[version]/fesa3_environmentBladeCenter.conf

On FEC's the environment is automatically set, when a fesa3-class start-script is called.

After doing these steps, your system should automatically set all environment variables, which are necessary to use the cmw(rda) middleware.

If there are still problems using the directory server, please refere to a member of the fesa group.


Further documentation can be found at


(Only accessible from within CERN)

I Attachment Action Size Date Who CommentSorted descending
fesaloginEXT fesalogin manage 663 bytes 12 Mar 2010 - 12:43 AlexanderSchwinn fesa login bash script
fesa.confconf fesa.conf manage 1 K 12 Mar 2010 - 13:36 AlexanderSchwinn fesa configuration bash script
This topic: FESA > WebHome > RDAMiddleWare
Topic revision: 05 Oct 2012, SolveighMatthies
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