-- HaraldBraeuning - 08 Apr 2009

Deploying and running a class on multiple FECs

Running a class on multiple FECs is in general straight forward if you avoid one major pitfall by following the following procedure:

  1. Deploy the class to each FEC in use with the Fesa deploy tool
  2. In the Fesa Instantiate tool, create the device instances for each FEC
  3. In the directory TEST, create a subdirectory for each FEC to use. Prefereable, use the FEC name as the directory name.
  4. For each FEC run Fesa Instantiate class version FEC TEST/subdirectory

The last step will create a file called classDeviceData.xml, where class is your Fesa class name. This file will contain information about all the instances on a FEC. It is important to remember, that each call to Fesa Instantiate overwrite any previous file already in the destination directory (at least in Fesa 2.10, not checked for 2.9). Therefore, to work with multiple FECs, this file must be written to a FEC specific directory, otherwise data for other FECs would be overwritten.

When the class is started on a FEC, it must be started from the subdirectory, in which the device data file resides. Otherwise it will not find it.

This topic: FESA > WebHome > HowTo > MultipleFEC
Topic revision: 08 Apr 2009, HaraldBraeuning
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