-- HaraldBraeuning - 18 Mar 2009

Fesa Commands and Tools

Fesa Commands


Fesa Setup class-name version scratch | edit | from version

Setup the new directory structure. Use the parameter scratch to create template C++ files from the class design and commit them to the CVS. This can be done only once! The edit parameter creates the directory structure from the class design and CVS repository. The from parameter is used to create the directory structure from a specified version.


Fesa Synchronize class-name version

Synchronize an existing directory structure with a change class design. New template C++ files will be created if neccessary and obsolete ones marked as such. User code will not be lost.


Fesa Instantiate class-name version FEC-name directory

Create from the instance data in the data base an xml-file with the initial field values of all instances of the given class on the front end computer. directory is usually the directory where the executable of the class resides.


Fesa Commit class-name version [ comment ]

Commit the changes to the source code to the CVS repository. The comment is optional.


Fesa Deliver class-name version CPU

This recompiles the class, commits the changes to the CVS repository and copies the libraries of the various class parts (server actions, RT actions etc) to the system library path of the given CPU. This is neccessary fo9r example if the class is to be re-used in an equipment link.

Fesa 2.10 introduces an optional modifier to turn off compiler optimization:

Fesa Deliver class-name version CPU [ noOpt }


Propagate a class from one Fesa version to another one. This command is strongly dependent on the Fesa version. Check with your Fesa version if you need it.

In Fesa 2.10: Fesa Retrofit class-name current-class-version next-class-version prepare | retrofit

Fesa Java Tools

The java tools (you certainly have already encountered the shell which is usually invoked by runfesamodeller ) are located in /ps/java/fesa/2.9 and /ps/java/fesa/2.10 respectively. They can be started via a web browser from the web pages http://asl715.acc.gsi.de/FESA.html for Fesa version 2.9 and http://asl713.acc.gsi.de/FESA.html for Fesa version 2.10.

They can also be started directly using the javaws (Java Web Start) command. javaws FST.jnlp for example will start the Fesa shell. The Fesa shell contains all other java tools except the Data Management Tool FMT.jnlp.


This is the design tool.


This is the deploy tool.


This is the instantiation tool.


This is the data management tool. This tool is needed for example to propagate a fesa class between Fesa versions.


This is the navigation tool used to test Fesa classes.


This is the Fesa shell which include the design, deplay, instantiation and navigation tool.

This topic: FESA > WebHome > HowTo > FesaCommands
Topic revision: 18 Mar 2009, HaraldBraeuning
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