Release and Run FESA Software

To provide the FESA software for testing purposes or production the software has to be released, e.g. for a FEC.

For each FEC to release FESA software to a FEC folder has to be added withing the deploy-unit project (addfec.png). Be sure to use the hostname of the FEC/SCU only! Do not add the appendix '' to the name of the FEC. An instance file will be created automatically. Additional instance files per FEC can be created using the 'Add Instance' button (addinstance.png) on the deploy-unit toolbar.

NOTE: Your Linux user account needs to be in the group "fesa" to be able to release the FESA software. Please refer to CSCOIN if your account is not already in the fesa group.

(Virtual) Frontends ( vmla01 / scuxl0001... )


The state of a FESA class and the FESA deploy-unit is defined in the XML element "information/state". If this state is set so a value different from 'operational', a development release will be performed. A development release has less restrictions than the release of operational software. Checks such as version control, code synchronization, code compilation or database exports may be skipped.
  1. Click on the appropriate 'Release' button (FESA class: releaseclass.png/ FESA deploy-unit: addfec.png) or right-click on the FESA project and select FESA > Release from the context menu
  2. Select the FEC(s) to release to from the list

According to the settings in the preferences the software will be synchronized, compiled, linked, exported to the database and copied to the release location (deploy-unit: /common/export/fesa/local/<FEC>/<FESA DU>(-d)) .



  • If a development release was performed change the folder name in /common/export/fesa/local/<FEC>/<FESA DU>-d to /common/export/fesa/local/<FEC>/<FESA DU> .
  • SSH to the FEC, e.g. ssh root@scuxl0123 # Please refer to the FESA team or CSCOIN for the password.
  • reboot the FEC, e.g. reboot


  • SSH to the FEC, e.g. ssh root@scuxl0123 # Please refer to the FESA team or CSCOIN for the password.
  • cd to the folder of the deploy-unit, e.g. cd /opt/fesa/nfs/local/vmla01/<FESA DU>
  • launch the start script manually

Development asl cluster (asl730..asl734)


To run FESA software on the development systems a release may not be necessary. The FESA software may run locally for testing purposes in the FEC directory.


The access rights on the asl-cluster are restricted. Therefore FESA software can not be run with root rights. This means that the Linux RT priorities can not be used. As an alternative Linux' NICE scheduling is used. To trigger this behaviour use the command line argument -noRTSched when launching the FESA software with the start script. Please keep in mind that the RT priorities given in the deploy-unit- / instance-file will be converted to NICE-levels [0...99] --> [20 ... -19]. The maximum RT-priority that can be used on the asl-cluster is '50'. This value will be converted to a NICE priority level of '0'.

In order to e.g. run the binary of 'MyDeployUnit', follow these steps:

// Go to the folder where the start-Script is located E.g:
# cd myWorkspaceLocation/MyDeployUnit/src/test/asl73x
// Launch the script:
# ./ -f -noRTSched -vv
// (-vv = very verbose ) Use the option -h for a full list of possible arguments
// You can stop the binary by pressing CTRL + C

Productive asl cluster (asl330..asl334)


The procedure for the productive asl cluster is identical to the release procedure for FEC's.


Similar to the development cluster root rights are restricted.

MCS, Saclay, France ( scuxl0047f, ... )


The system will be installed in Saclay, France and is accessible from GSI via a network/internet connection. To release FESA software to that system script templates are provided in the Plinac wiki . These scripts can be adapted to release your FESA software to the MCS system. It is recommended to store the adapted scripts with the FESA deploy-unit in the SVN repository.


Information on how to run FESA Software on the MCS can be found in the Plinac Wiki .

JAPC Client Access

Database Entries

For access via JAPC device information must be provided for the directory server (nameserver). This device information is stored in the FESA database.


To verify the access to a device's properties a test tool is provided: cscosv-device-test. Besides debug output at the end the success/failure state of the involved access elements is summarized.

The tool requires two parameters: the name of the device to be tested and the property to be called.

/common/usr/cscosv/opt/cscosv-device-test/bin/ <device name> <property>


/common/usr/fesa/bin/ <device name> <property>

This topic: FESA > WebHome > Fesa3_310 > FESA3ReleaseAndRun310
Topic revision: 23 Feb 2016, SolveighMatthies
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