Code Snippets for coding a FESA3 class

Retrieving Parameters in a Server action

Scalar values

void ReadHistoryBlock::execute(fesa::RequestEvent* evt,Device* dev ,
                               HistoryBlock_DataType& data,
                               const HistoryBlock_FilterType& filter,
                               fesa::FesaLogger* log_)
   //Default device
   //std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << " " << __FILE__ << endl;
   short block_start = filter.blockStart.get();
   short block_end = filter.blockEnd.get();

ReadHistoryBlock = Name of the property as defined in design document
HistoryBlock_FilterType = Type of the filter as defined in design document
blockStart, blockEnd = Name of the filter parameters as defined in design document

Retrieve (array) values from RDA data container

void WholeHistoryAction::execute(fesa::RequestEvent* pEvt, Device* pDev,
                                 WholeHistory_DataType& data,
                                 const WholeHistory_FilterType& filter,
                                 fesa::FesaLogger* pLog) {
    WholeHistory_FilterType localFilterCopy = filter;    // get rid of const key word
    localFilterCopy.getRdaData()->print(); // print contents of RDA data container
    char *container;

    std::string filterItemTag = "ipadress"; // name of filter item
    if(localFilterCopy.itemAvailable(filterItemTag.c_str())) {
        std::cout << "Found Item: " << filterItemTag << " in Filter" << std::endl;
        container = localFilterCopy.getRdaData()->extractString(filterItemTag.c_str());
        std::cout << "Filter Value: " << container << std::endl;

Simple alternative:
void WholeHistoryAction::execute(fesa::RequestEvent* pEvt, Device* pDev,
                                 WholeHistory_DataType& data,
                                 const WholeHistory_FilterType& filter,
                                 fesa::FesaLogger* pLog) {
        WholeHistory_FilterType localFilterCopy = filter;    // get rid of const key word
        const char * i = localFilterCopy.ipadress.get();

Setting Strings in a String-Array

void ReadHistoryBlock::execute(fesa::RequestEvent* evt,Device* dev ,
                               HistoryBlock_DataType& data,
                               const HistoryBlock_FilterType& filter,
                               fesa::FesaLogger* log_)
    //Default device
    RequestValue rt("", BIOREMPORT, block_start, block_end, -1);
    vector< Value > history = rt.readHistory(block_start, block_end, -1);    // Alle Werte in Bereich
    vector< Value >::iterator it;

    int index(0);
    for( it=history.begin(); it!=history.end(); it++, index++ ) {
        dev->historyBlock.setString( it->getInput().c_str(),
                                     evt->getMultiplexingContext() );

Setting Values for different Instances of a Device

void ReadHistoryBlock::execute(fesa::RequestEvent* evt,Device* dev ,
                               HistoryBlock_DataType& data,
                               const HistoryBlock_FilterType& filter,
                               fesa::FesaLogger* log_)
   std::vector< Device* > v = *DeviceFactory::getInstance()->getDeviceCollection();
   vector< Device* >::iterator devices;

   for (unsigned int i=0; i < v.size(); i++){
      Device * pDev = v[i];
      //cout << "ReadHistoryBlock operates on device " << pDev->getName() << endl;
      for(it=BRs.begin(); it!=BRs.end(); it++) {
         if( (*it).getName() == pDev->getName() ) {
            RequestValue rt((*it).getIP(), BIOREMPORT, block_start, block_end, -1);
            vector< Value > history = rt.readHistory(block_start, block_end, -1);   // Alle Werte in Bereich
            vector< Value >::iterator it;
            int index(0);
            for( it=history.begin(); it!=history.end(); it++, index++ ) {
               dev->historyBlock.setString( it->getInput().c_str(),
                             evt->getMultiplexingContext() );

Usage of Application Parameters

 fesa::ConfigData *cfgData =  AbstractEquipment::getInstance()->getConfigData();
 int argc = cfgData->getArgc();
 char** argv = cfgData->getArgv();
 for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
 if (strcasecmp(argv[i],"-SCU") == 0)
 return new fesaGSI::TimingEventSourceSCU();

Makefile.specific anpassen

Moechte man zusaetzliche, eigene C++-Bibliotheken in einer Fesaklasse verwenden, muss man die dafuer vorgesehenen Variablen noch selbst hinzufuegen:

Die Option -m32 ermoeglicht das Kompillieren einer 32-Bit-Variante auf einem 64-Bit-System.

Logging in Fesa3

Diagnose-Output ist in Fesa3 z.B. so moeglich:
void WholeHistoryAction::execute(fesa::RequestEvent* pEvt, Device* pDev,
                                 WholeHistory_DataType& data,
                                 const WholeHistory_FilterType& filter, 
                                 fesa::FesaLogger* pLog) {
   pLog->send("WholeHistoryAction::execute() start trace log", pLog->traceType);
   pLog->send("WholeHistoryAction::execute() start error log", pLog->errorType);

Steht kein Logger zur Verfuegung kann man sich einen anlegen:
    fesa::FesaLogger *pLog = fesa::FesaLogger::getDefaultLogger();
    pLog->send("ServerDeviceClass::specificInit() start trace log", pLog->traceType);

Logfiles aller FEC's und des Blade-Centers befinden sich hier: asl72x:/common/log01/logs

Standard-Konsolenausgaben sind immer moeglich, z.B. mit
std::cout << "Log-Output " << aValue << std::endl;


Eine elegante Loesung zum Rechneruebergreifenden Logging gibt es von der Strahldiagnose. Urspruenglich vorgesehen fuer Fesa2.10 sind nur minimale Aenderungen fuer die Verwendung der C++-Klasse SDLog notwendig um sie im Common-Teil der eigenen Fesa-Klasse einzubinden. Die Quellen finden sich hier oder in der Fesa3-Variante hier: Fesa3Logging.

Lesen kann man die Log-Nachrichten mit Chainsaw, welches sich hier findet:
Als Konfigurationsdatei kann man file:/home/sdapp/web/config/ChainsawSD.xml angeben, in dem Receiver bereits vorkonfiguriert sind.
 SDLog logger = SDLog::getInstance();

Available C++-Templates

Eclipse allows to define specific C++-Code Templates that may be used during editing source files. To insert them start typing the name of the template, Eclipse will suggest a list of matching possibilities.

Here is a list of the available C++-Templates specific for FESA:


How to set values to a GSI-multiplexing-context-field

// Here we loop through all devices ... in server action you as well can directly use the device-pointer.
for(std::vector<Device*>::iterator device = deviceCol_.begin();device!=deviceCol_.end();device++)
   //stamp should be in Nanoseconds - UTC
   long long stamp = 12345678;
   //The GSI-multiplexing-context-field is named "acquisitionContext" in this example

How to Report an Error, using the GSI-error_collection-field

// Here we loop through all devices ... in server action you as well can directly use the device-pointer.
for(std::vector<Device*>::iterator device = deviceCol_.begin();device!=deviceCol_.end();device++)
   std::string errorString= "Put in your error-text here";
   long error_code= 4711;

This topic: FESA > WebHome > FESA3 > FESA3CopyPaste
Topic revision: 26 Oct 2012, SolveighMatthies
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