Integration of FESA and Cosylab Alarm System

Building the C++ Interface

The C++ API to the alarm system can be found in the SVN repository at https:/www-acc/ The interface library source is under trunk/src/cpp-api/alarm-generator. The build tool is Maven/SCons generating the static library archive libalarmsource.a under alarm-generator/target/install/lib.

The alarm system interface must be built against the version of Boost used by the FESA class. If the system default Boost version differs from the FESA Boost version edit the Scons configuration:

src/SConscript: env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH="/opt/gsi/3rdparty/boost/1.54.0/include") ...

Header file

A single header file "alarmapi.hpp" is required. The Maven build places it at alarm-generator/target/install/include. (EXTRA_HEADERS in Makefile.specific)


The FESA deploy unit must link the alarm system and some support libraries

Example DeployUnit Makefile.specific:

LINKER_FLAGS +=  -L$(ALARM_LIB) -lalarmsource -lprotobuf -llog4cxx -lboost_system-mt EXTRA_HEADERS += alarmapi.hpp  

Example Usage

#include "alarmapi.hpp"
using namespace de::gsi::cs::co::alarm;


Note that the endpoints for the C++ interface use different ports than the Java interface


Create Alarm Source

To create an alarm source (or find an existing source) with given Type, Nomenclature:

boost::shared_ptr<AlarmSource> alarmSource = getAlarmSourceFactoryInstance().createAlarmSource("Type", "Nomen");

Add some Resource Locators:

std::vector<std::string> resourceLocators;

Work with Alarms

Get an alarm from the alarm source by its resource locator:

boost::shared_ptr<Alarm> alarm = alarmSource->getAlarm("LocatorA");

Raise alarm:

alarm->raiseAlarm(kEnumAlarmState::ACTIVE,"Alarm Event Description");

Stop alarm:

alarm->raiseAlarm(kEnumAlarmState::INACTIVE,"Alarm Event Description");

Topic revision: r4 - 22 May 2018, SolveighMatthies
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