fesa-core  5.0.1
fesa::AsyncGetCallback Class Reference

#include <AsyncGetCallback.h>

Inherits AsyncGetCallback, and noncopyable.

Public Member Functions

 AsyncGetCallback (boost::shared_ptr< Semaphore > &semaphore)
bool isCompleted () const
bool isSuccessful () const
cmw::rda3::common::AcquiredData & 
getData () const
< cmw::rda3::common::AcquiredData > 
releaseData ()
cmw::rda3::common::RdaException & 
getException () const
< cmw::rda3::common::RdaException > 
releaseException ()

Detailed Description

Simple implementation of RDA3's AsyncGetCallback, with the optional ability of posting to a semaphore when a callback (successful or not) is received.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

fesa::AsyncGetCallback::AsyncGetCallback ( boost::shared_ptr< Semaphore > &  semaphore)

Calling this constructor will cause callbacks to call post() on semaphore.

Member Function Documentation

const cmw::rda3::common::AcquiredData & fesa::AsyncGetCallback::getData ( ) const

Returns a reference to the data received.

FesaExceptionif isSuccessful() is false or if the data was released.
const cmw::rda3::common::RdaException & fesa::AsyncGetCallback::getException ( ) const

Returns a reference to the exception received.

FesaExceptionif isSuccessful() is true or if the exception was released.
bool fesa::AsyncGetCallback::isCompleted ( ) const

Returns true if the request is completed, whether it was successful or not.

bool fesa::AsyncGetCallback::isSuccessful ( ) const

Returns true if the request is completed and successful, false otherwise.

std::auto_ptr< cmw::rda3::common::AcquiredData > fesa::AsyncGetCallback::releaseData ( )

Returns an auto_ptr containing the received data. The data is not owned by this object any more, which is reset to its initial state.

std::auto_ptr< cmw::rda3::common::RdaException > fesa::AsyncGetCallback::releaseException ( )

Returns an auto_ptr containing the received exception. The exception is not owned by this object any more, which is reset to its initial state. calls to getException() will throw.

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