Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
fesa::AbstractComponentEquipmentThis class is an abstraction of the components of an equipment. It contains common services shared by both the server and real time parts
fesa::AbstractDeviceThis class represents an abstraction of the underlying device by defining the common fields of the FESA class devices (instance device and global one)
fesa::AbstractDeviceClassEach instance of this class represents a FESA-Class (XML-Design-Document)
fesa::AbstractDeviceFactoryThis abstract class contains virtual methods to create the devices on the system
fesa::AbstractEquipmentThis class is the head of each equipment. It is used to decouple the server and the RT package from the core package
fesa::AbstractEventAbstract Base class of the two concrete Events: RequestEvent and RTEvent This class cannot be instantiated and it contains only common services
fesa::AbstractEventSourceThis class represents an event source on the system. Event sources are responsible for firing events and sending them to the right scheduler
fesa::AbstractEventSourceFactoryThis factory provides methods to handle events sources
fesa::AbstractFieldBase class which defines virtual methods to manage all the FESA fields
fesa::AbstractMessageMessage class that will be transmitted on the message queue
fesa::AbstractMsgQueueThis class provides an abstract Message Queue. Whether the message queue will be implemented as IPC-Queue or as standard message queue depends on the deployment mode of the application (split, or shared)
fesa::AbstractMultiplexingDataManagerThe headclass of all DataManagers. It provides all kinds of methods, which are needed in order to work with different memory concepts
fesa::AbstractMultiplexingManagerThis class is used to find the correct slot for a multiplexed field value using the virtual accelerator or the multiplexing context
fesa::AbstractMutexThis class provides the services that all the mutex have to implement This allows to define a interface so that you can use the mutex services without knowing the implementation (shared, or normal)
fesa::AbstractPropertyTypeDefinitionThis class defines the attributes and abstract methods for all type definition properties
fesa::AbstractRTActionThis class represents a real time action on the system. Real time actions are fired by an event source to carry out operations in the devices
fesa::AbstractRTActionFactoryThis class provides a method to create AbstractRTActions by their configuration and name
fesa::AbstractRTDeviceClassThis class contains the real time data of the FESA class
fesa::AbstractRTEquipmentThis class represents the real time part of the equipment. it contains all the AbstractRTDeviceClass and the AbstractRTController for the real time behavior
fesa::AbstractServerActionThis is the based class for all the server actions in the system which will be executed when a property is requested. TODO discuss the DataType parameter
fesa::AbstractServerActionFactoryThis class is responsible to provide a method in order to create the server actions for the class
fesa::AbstractServerControllerThe AbstractServerController manages the proper startup and shutdown of all services, providet by the server side
fesa::AbstractServerDeviceClassThis class contains the properties of the class and lets access to them. Besides it creates the UserEventProducer
fesa::AbstractServerEquipmentThis class contains all the AbstractServerDeviceClass for the equipment and validates the requests from external clients. It also lets retrieve the devices by its name
fesa::AbstractUserDiagnosticsUser side diagnostic infrastructure
fesa::AcqFieldArray< T >
fesa::AcqFieldArray2D< T >
fesa::AcqFieldScalar< T >Wrapper class for scalar acquisition fields. The acquisition field API offer methods to set fields, in contrast to configuration fields which cannot be set dynamically because they are constant
fesa::AcqFieldScalarArray< T >
fesa::AcqFieldScalarArray2D< T >
fesa::AcqFieldStruct< T >Wrapper class for acquisition fields. The acquisition field API offer methods to set fields, in contrast to configuration fields which cannot be set dynamically because they are constant
fesa::AcqFieldStructArray< T >
fesa::AcqFieldStructArray2D< T >
fesa::ArrayUtilities< T >Helper class that contains methods to fill arrays with elements of all types
fesa::AttributeXMLThis class represents an XML attribute containing name and value
fesa::AutomaticNotificationMessageMessage type to automatically notify the server side via Notification ID
fesa::ClassElementUsed to store all class-related Information from the Instantiation-File
fesa::CommandMessageThis messageType can be used to send any type of command and up to 2 arguments as string
fesa::ComplementExpressionThis class extends the sorting expression in order to check if the context matches the negated expression
fesa::ConditionalVariableThis class is a c++ wrapper in order to use conditional variables. Conditional variables help to synchronize threads when there's a logical condition for the synchronization
fesa::ConfigFieldArray< T >
fesa::ConfigFieldArray2D< T >
fesa::ConfigFieldScalar< T >Wrapper class for scalar configuration fields The configuration field API offers methods to retrieve field values (get accessors),
fesa::ConfigFieldScalarArray< T >
fesa::ConfigFieldScalarArray2D< T >
fesa::ConfigFieldStruct< T >Wrapper class for struct configuration fields The configuration field API offers methods to retrieve field values (get accessors), Acquisition and setting field wrappers inherit from it
fesa::ConfigFieldStructArray< T >
fesa::ConfigFieldStructArray2D< T >
fesa::AbstractMsgQueue::ConstantsConstants, which are filled at runtime
fesa::Converter< T >Class that contains conversion method to convert numeric data types to string and strings to numeric data types
fesa::Converter< bool >
fesa::Converter< DeviceRelation_DataType >
fesa::Converter< FaultField_DataType >
fesa::Converter< HostHardwareAddress_DataType >
fesa::Converter< HostPortHardwareAddress_DataType >
fesa::Converter< LogicalHardwareAddress_DataType >
fesa::Converter< signed char >
fesa::Converter< T * >
fesa::CustomEventElementUsed to store all custom-event-element Information which comes from the Instantiation-File
fesa::CycleDescriptorThis class provides an interface to retrieve the cycles ids and names depending on the timing domain. Since the timing Domain is lab specific, a child class inside the lap package implements most of the methods
fesa::DataStoreBase class for field-storage classes in the framework: Device, GlobalDevice and DomainStore
fesa::DataStoreElementCommon base class for GlobalDeviceElement, DeviceElement and DomainStoreElement
fesa::DeviceElementThis class stores device information
fesa::DeviceElement2Used to store all device-specific Information which comes from the Instantiation-File
fesa::DeviceFactory< GlobalDeviceType, DomainStoreType, DevInstType >This class is responsible for the instantiation of all the devices, global-device and domain-store. The DeviceFactory is designed as a bridge pattern to allow sub-classing of the class interface (this one) and the class implementation (DeviceFactoryImp) separately
fesa::DeviceFactoryImp< GlobalDeviceType, DomainStoreType, DevInstType >The DeviceFactory is designed as a bridge pattern to allow sub-classing of the class interface (DeviceFactory) and the class implementation (this one) separately. This DeviceFactoryImp is the abstract-class that declares the interface to the underlying device-factory implementation (Shm, Heap). It instantiates all devices, global-device, domain-store and initializes everything
fesa::DeviceLogicalEventElementUsed to store all Device-LogicalEvent-specific Information which comes from the Instantiation-File
fesa::DiagnosticEventPayloadDiagnostic event pay load structure
fesa::DiagnosticUtils::DiagnosticMessageDiagnostic message
fesa::DiagnosticsDiagnostic infrastructure
fesa::DiagnosticUtils::DiagStateCounterDiagnostic state counting information
fesa::DomainStoreGroups common fields which are dependent on the timing domain
fesa::DomainStoreElementThis class stores domain store information
fesa::ElementXMLThis class represents an XML element containing name, value, a list of attributes and a list of child XML elements
EquipmentDeviceThis class contains different information necessary to access from the Real time and the Server packages
fesa::EventConfigurationElementUsed to store all DEventConfiguration-specific Information which comes from the Instantiation-File
fesa::EventElementUsed to handle and store all Event-specific Information which comes from the Instantiation-File. This class is Abstract
fesa::OnSubscriptionEventSource::EventInfoStores information about an event
fesa::EventsMappingLoaderThis class provides access to the events specified in the instance document
fesa::ExtendedMultiplexingManagerThis mutiplexing manager is needed in order to do Multi-Multiplexing. This means it needs to be able to handle extra criteria
fesa::FaultField< DataType >Specialized field for fault fields. This type of field is meant to indicate a fault or problem in the system. It is a template as it can accept FaultField_DataTypes or derived classes of that type as template parameter
fesa::FesaExceptionThis class is the based class for all the exceptions in the FESA framework. It contains an error code in order to retrieve the message linked to the error. This error code has to be in the messages.cfg file The class also admits parameters to be replaced in the message in the format $1,$2 ..
FesaRDADeviceServerThe FesaRDADeviceServer is implemented as a singleton. It inherits from the rdaDeviceServerBase, and provides the framework with all necessary services from the RDA package (the middleware layer). The single instance of the server is kept by the parent class
fesa::Field< T >Field template class for scalar fields
fesa::FieldArray< T >FieldArray template class for arrays of various numeric types and structure types
fesa::FieldArray2D< T >
fesa::FieldElementThis class stores field information in the form of field name, field value and multiplexing criterion
fesa::FieldExpressionThis class extends the SortingExpression in order to know if the context matches a field
fesa::FieldSynchroManagerClass that manages the synchronization of persistent fields
fesa::FieldValue< T >Field value class for all field types
fesa::FieldValue< char *[]>
fesa::FieldValue< char[]>
fesa::FieldValue< T[]>
fesa::FieldValue< T[][1]>
fesa::FieldValueBaseBase class for all field values
fesa::FrameworkDiagnosticsFramework side diagnostic infrastructure
fesa::GenericFieldArray< T >
fesa::GenericFieldArray2D< T >
fesa::GenericFieldScalar< T >Wrapper class for scalar generic fields. The generic field API offer methods to set fields, in contrast to configuration fields which cannot be set dynamically because they are constant
fesa::GenericFieldScalarArray< T >
fesa::GenericFieldScalarArray2D< T >
fesa::GenericFieldStruct< T >Wrapper class for generic fields. The generic field API offer methods to set fields, in contrast to configuration fields which cannot be set dynamically because they are constant
fesa::GenericFieldStructArray< T >
fesa::GenericFieldStructArray2D< T >
fesa::GetDiagnosticSettingCreate one instance per equipment
fesa::GlobalDeviceThis is the base class for the equipment-specialist's global-device class. It contains all the common global fields for any FESA class. Global field means all the fields accessible for all the devices for a given class in the same front-end. It is up to each FESA class to specify its specific global fields
fesa::GlobalDeviceElementThis class stores global device information
fesa::HeapFactory< GlobalDeviceType, DomainStoreType, DevInstType >This class is responsible for creating and initializing the data memory space on the heap:

  • compute the required memory size and allocate the memory
  • map each field into the data store
fesa::HeapMultiplexingDataManagerThis class extends the TimingDataManager class to deal with heap memory
fesa::HeapRollingMultiplexingDataManagerThis class extends the RollingDataManager class to deal with heap memory
fesa::HomogeneousDevColThis class contains a collection of devices and it lets do operations between other collections like add up, or rest
fesa::InitializeDataStoreManagerThis class is responsible for retrieve the information from of the different devices linked to a class
fesa::IntersectExpressionThis class extends the sorting expression in order to check if the context matches the intersection between the two sorting expressions
fesa::IpcMsgQueueIf the RT and the server part are NOT in the same process, the POSIX message queue is used. The class provides the structure of the POSIX message queue and its corresponding functions
fesa::LocalMsgQueueIf the RT task and the server are in the same process, the STL queue is used. The class provides the structure of the local message queue and its corresponding functions
fesa::LockThis class is used to automatically lock and unlock a mutex. The constructor calls lock() and the destructor calls unlock(). This makes it impossible to leave a block containing a Lock object without unlocking the mutex
fesa::LogicalEventElementUsed to handle and store all Logical-Event-specific Information which comes from the Instantiation-File
MannualNotificationMessageMessage type to allow the user to do a manual notification
fesa::MiscellaneousEverything, that does not fit in any other class
fesa::MsgQueueFactoryThis static class generates message queues on demand and stores the queues in a map
fesa::MultiplexingContextThis class contains the information used for multiplexed fields
fesa::MultiplexingDataManagerThis class provides methods to retrieve/store information about the cycle stamp and slot linked to that cycle stamp
fesa::MultiplexingManagerThis class extends the AbstractMultiplexingManager in order to provide a multiplexing manager in which every cycle has a fixed slot
fesa::MutexThis class is c++ a wrapper in order to use POSIX mutex
fesa::NoneContextThis class extends the MultiplexingContext in order to provide a dedicate context for the user event source class
fesa::NotificationThis class is used by the SubscriptionTreeManager to find the right subscribers, without any parsing of strings through the subscription tree. The NotificationID of each notification is unique and identifies the Notification on a RT Notify Event
fesa::NotificationConsumerThis class receives notification messages from the NotificationProducer and uses the SubscritionTreeManager class to nofity the clients
fesa::NotificationIDThis class provides an unique notification identifier. The ID is generated from the className, the devices specified by the selection criterion, and the properties that will be notified
NotificationIDGeneratorThis class generates the notification id collection
fesa::NotificationProducerThis class is responsible for sending notification messages to the notification consumer, thus connecting the RT and server parts
fesa::NotificationThread::NotificationQueueElementThis class stores the triple context, request type, and subcycle
fesa::NotificationThreadThis class is used to notify a subscriber with adjustable priority (always lower, than usual). Each property has a priority level. If that level is lower than the priority's of the server thread, notifications from that property are executed in a NotificationThread. The different NotificationThreads are kept in a Threadpool inside the NotificationThreadFactory. The Notifications of one NotificationThread are stored inside a queue. When the "startConsumption" conditional variable is triggered, the queue will be processed
fesa::NotificationThreadFactoryThis class manages the Notification classes
fesa::OnDemandConsumerThis class provides services in order to receive messages from an OnDemandProducer
fesa::OnDemandEventThis class extends the RTEvent class to incorporate acknowledge features necessary for user events
fesa::OnDemandEventElementUsed to handle and store all OnDemand-Event-specific Information which comes from the Instantiation-File
fesa::OnDemandEventSourceThis class extends the AbstractEventSource class to provide a mechanism that allows clients to fire real time actions in a server/RT-action. The sending action puts a message in a message queue. The OnDemandEventSource class reads this message from the queue and fires a RTEvent
fesa::OnDemandMessageMessage type to allow the user to do an OnDemand event
fesa::OnDemandProducerThis class provides services in order to send on-demand messages to the OD-event-source
fesa::OnSubscriptionEventElementUsed to handle and store all OnSubscription-Event-specific Information which comes from the Instantiation-File
fesa::OnSubscriptionEventSourceOnSubscriptionEventSource is dedicated to establish subscriptions using the ProxyInterface and then trigger a rtEvent per notification received
fesa::PersistencyManagerThis class is responsible for managing the persistency mechanism of the classes
fesa::ProcessConfigurationTake care of configuring the FESA process from either configuration files or command line arguments
fesa::PropertyThis class represents a property which computes through server actions the value of a requested attribute
fesa::PropertyInfoThis structure contains all the attributes that a user can specify in the design document
fesa::ProxyInterfaceInterface to access device properties with set, get or subscription calls. This class is meant to be used as the implementation of an association relationship between classes. It could be also used to establish association relationships between devices of the same class. Therefore a class can access a device of the same class or different class deployed on the same or on a different frontend
fesa::ProxyReplyHandlerAn object of ProxyReplyHandlerClass is passed as a reference to the Middleware when performing a subscription. Then Middleware use it as a callback
ProxyRTEventPayloadPayload carried by a RTEvent triggered by a proxy subscription
fesa::RequestEventThis class is used in order to encapsulate the cycle selector and the multiplexing context in a server action passing it as parameter
fesa::RollingMultiplexingDataManagerThis class provides methods to retrieve information about the cycle IDs and names that a multiplexing manager uses regardless the implementation of the data. The prefix "rolling" means the following: 1.) The number of available slots can be defined per class-instance. 2.) Only acquisition data is handled by the rolling data manager. 3.) New values are written inside just one after another for all incoming cycles(virtual accelerators) 4.) If the last slot is reached, the rolling data manager will continue writing on the first slot. 5.) It is possible that for an "old" cycle no info data is available, since it was already overridden 6.) If the same cycle is played more than once, data will not be instantly overridden, like in the TimingDataManager
fesa::RollingMultiplexingElementThis class stores the information about the rolling multiplexing manager that the instantiation file contains
fesa::RollingMultiplexingManagerThis class extends the AbstractMultiplexingManager in order to provide a rolling multiplexing manager (explanation of "rolling" see class RollingDataManager)
fesa::RTAction< DeviceType >This class extends the AbstractRTAction and adds the deviceType parameter template. Specific real time actions will inherit from this class, replacing the template parameter for a specific device class
fesa::RTActionConfigThis structure stores all the necessary information to configure an action
fesa::RTControllerThis class configures the real time process. It creates the event sources, actions, and schedulers and configures those elements so that the real time part is ready. The class is also responsible for starting the event sources and schedulers
fesa::RTDiagnosticSettingThis class is responsible for doing diagnostics in the framework. It turns on or off topics and diagnostic mode
fesa::RTEventThis class defines an event created by an event source
fesa::RTEventPayloadIt is meant to carry the payload of an Event
fesa::RTLayerInfoThis structure contains the information related to the layers in which the schedulers are running
fesa::RTSchedulerThe scheduler class contains the real time behavior of the class. It waits for events and then executes the real time action related to them
RTSchedulingInfoThis structure contains the information from the design document necessary to create the schedulers
fesa::SemaphoreThis class is a c++ wrapper for the sem_t class
fesa::ServerAction< DeviceType, DataType, FilterType >
ServerActionDesignConfigThis structure contains the attributes to configure the action.These attributes come from the design document
fesa::ServiceLocator< GlobalDeviceType, DomainStoreType, DeviceType >
fesa::SettingFieldArray< T >
fesa::SettingFieldArray2D< T >
fesa::SettingFieldScalar< T >Wrapper class for setting fields
fesa::SettingFieldScalarArray< T >
fesa::SettingFieldScalarArray2D< T >
fesa::SettingFieldStruct< T >Wrapper class for setting fields
fesa::SettingFieldStructArray< T >
fesa::SettingFieldStructArray2D< T >
fesa::SharedMutexThis class implements a mutex variable in shared memory
fesa::ShmFactory< GlobalDeviceType, DomainStoreType, DevInstType >This class is responsible for create and initialize the data memory space into shared-memory space:

  • compute the required mempry size and allocate the memory
  • map each field into the datastore
fesa::ShmMultiplexingDataManagerThis class extends the CycleDataManager class to deal with shared memory
fesa::ShmRollingMultiplexingDataManagerThis class extends the RollingMultiplexingDataManager class to deal with shared memory
fesa::SortingExpressionThis is the base class which defines sorting expressions in the sorting package. It defines the match method in order to find out if the expression matches the context
fesa::StoreManagerThis class is responsible for storing and restoring devices of a class from a persistency mechanism
fesa::SubscriptionParameterThe SubscriptionTreeManager is implemented as a singleton. It provides a functional interface to the subscription tree and manages the tree - mutex - policity
fesa::OnSubscriptionEventSource::SubscriptionThreadThis class creates a thread that keeps the reconnection of pending subscriptions
fesa::SubscriptionTreeManagerThe SubscriptionTreeManager is implemented as a singleton. It provides a functional interface to the subscription tree and manages the tree - mutex - policity
fesa::SynchronizationLabObjectFactoryThis class provides methods in order to create the different types of timing descriptors or in general the specific Lab synchronization objects
fesa::ThreadThis class is a wrapper in order to manage threads according to the object oriented style
fesa::TimerEventElementUsed to handle and store all Timer-Event-specific Information which comes from the Instantiation-File
fesa::TimingContextSpecialized context for a RTEvent coming from the TimingEventSource. The implementation is lab specific
fesa::TimingEventElementUsed to handle and store all Timing-Event-specific Information which comes from the Instantiation-File
fesa::UnionExpressionThis class extends the sorting expression in order to check if the context matches a composition expression
fesa::XMLParserThis class offers functions to extract information from an XML file. It uses the xPath functions of the library libXML

Generated on 18 Jan 2013 for Fesa by  doxygen 1.6.1