

isrvr - the port information server of the BEL Applications Linux Migration Project

isrvr -c <config_file> -P <map_path> [options]
-c <config-file>    :    absolute path-name of configuration file
-P <path>           :    absolute path-name of directory to store mappings in

-h                  :    usage
-d                  :    run as daemon (session leader without tty)
-t <port>           :    my tcp port (5013)
-l <logfile>        :    enable logging to <logfile> (to use with -d)
-i                  :    force init of proc-port map

isrvr is a daemon process and should be started in a startup script on one computer in the acc net of BEL.

isrvr serves as an port information service. Each application can get its tcp/udp port number to listen to from isrvr . It generates for each request a name-port mapping and stores it in the filesystem to reuse it for the same application name.

Additionally isrvr manages the hostname-node mapping used by BEL Application programs.

These mappings are controlled by a configuration file given at startup by command line.

This is an example:

# host name section
# several entries
# [host]
# name = <hostname>
# node = <nodenumber>

# port section
# one entry
# [port]
# udp-port = <udp port offset>
# tcp-port = <tcp port offset>

name = asl714
node = 2

name = asl711
node = 3

# port offset
udp-port = 20000
tcp-port = 30000

Generated on 4 Mar 2014 for isrvr by  doxygen 1.4.7