Compilation, SVN-Tag and Installation of a new productive CMW version(core developers only)

Compilation, SVN-Tag and Installation of a new productive FESA3 version(core developers only)

  • Make sure you already installed the required cmw-version.
  • SVN-CheckOut the sub-projects of The following projects are required:
    • 3rd_party
    • fesa-codegen
    • fesa-codegen-gsi
    • fesa-core
    • fesa-core-test
    • fesa-core-integration-test
    • fesa-core-gsi
    • fesa-core-gsi-test
    • fesa-core-gsi-integration-test
    • fesa-environment-gsi
    • fesa-model
    • fesa-model-gsi
    • fesa-fwk
  • Create a temporary local installationin order to run the different tests:
    • cd fesa-fwk
    • make release-local (Creates a local DEV installation in ~/tmp/opt/fesa/ which is linked to the development workspace)
  • Check that all unit-tests run without problems for 64 bit. They are located in:
    • fesa-core-test
    • fesa-core-gsi-test
  • Depending on the internal changes in FESA3 it may be necessary to provide a set of migration tools for the new version. These must also be configured in the configuration files of the FESA3 Eclipse plug-in.
  • Check that all integration tests run without problems for 64 bit. More Information
  • Try to create and run all test classes to validate the installation.
  • If every test is "green", add some information to the changelog.txt of each project to document the necessary changes for the different versions and create a release branch in .
  • In this release branch, you need to replace the string "DEV" by your desired version-number for each affected file of each project (Usually files like Makefile, Makefile.dep)
    • Take special care about fesa-model-gsi/src/xml/utility/shared-gsi.xsd . The new version number needs to be added (don't remove the old ones without agreement of the FESA developers). For a release the version DEV can be removed in this file.
  • In order to build RPM packets from the release branch consult this guideline for more information.
  • After installation of the FESA RPM packages by an administrator from CSCOIN on the asl cluster run the post installation script to copy the configuration files and the documentation to the webserver
  • Basic tests should be performed on a new FESA release, examples are listed in this test plan
  • If the release is considered successful create a tag in the SVN repository, e.g. by using the script in fesa-tools/scripts
  • To keep changes that were done for a FESA release for future releases it is advisable to merge the relevant changes back into the development trunk of FESA's SVN repository

Installation of the Fesa Eclipse Plugin



Es ist nicht moeglich in Eclipse Plug-Ins mit derselben Versionsnummer erneut zu installieren. Dann muss man selbst Hand anlegen, damit man das gewuenschte Plug-In installieren kann. Mitunter ist es hilfreich, die Dateien



von Hand in das Verzeichnis ~/.eclipse-neon/plugins zu kopieren.

Auch die Datei feature.xml (zu finden im SVN im Projekt fesa-plugin-update-site) sollte im Ordner ~/.eclipse-neon/features/fesa.plugin.feature_x.x.x/ liegen.

Ist bereits eine Version installiert, kann man nur Versionen mit einer hoeheren Versionsnummer darueber installieren.

Bei einem uninstall werden die 4 o.g. Dateien im Ordner ~/.eclipse-neon/plugins nicht geloescht, dies sollte man ggfs. selbst machen. D.h. bei einer Deinstallation und erneuten Installation derselben Plug-In Version werden die bereits vorhandenen Dateien in ~/.eclipse-neon/plugins nicht ueberschrieben!

This topic: FESA > WebHome > FESA3 > FESA3Installation
Topic revision: 02 Nov 2017, SolveighMatthies
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