Debug Configuration for a local Connection

  1. In the C++ Perspective: create a new Debug-Configuration (Run>Debug Configurations... C/C++ Remote Application>New)
  2. Browse to select your project.
  3. On the Main-Tab: Enter the path to the binary to be debugged, e.g. workspace/<DU>/build/bin/i686/<DU>_S
  4. On the Main-Tab: Build Configuration: Deselect 'Select configuration using 'C/C++ Application'' and enable 'Use Active'.
  5. On the Main-Tab: Select Disable auto build to avoid repeated new building of the sources.
  6. On the Main-Tab: Connection: select local connection for connecting to local processes.
  7. Important: On the Main-Tab: Select other... leads to a dialog to change the preferred launcher. Check Use configuration specific settings and Standard Remote Create Process Launcher.
  8. On the Debugger-Tab: For GDB command file select <PATHTODO .gdbinit> for pretty-printing STL-variable content in Eclipses Debug-view.

Start Debugging on Localhost

  1. From an opened Deploy-Unit-Document open a new Terminal in Eclipse (Window>View>Other>General>Terminal). The opened location will be the users home folder.
  2. cd to te location of the Deploy-Unit's instance file (e.g. workspace/<DU>/src/test/<FEC-name>)
  3. In the Terminal-Window enter (replace the FESA version and the CPU as necessary):
    gdbserver <FECName>:10000 ../../../build/bin/<CPU>/<DU-binary>
    -cfgcmw /common/export/fesa/global/etc/fesa/1.0.0/cmw-rda.cfg
    -cfglog /common/export/fesa/global/etc/fesa/1.0.0/cmw-log.cfg
    -cfgfesa /common/export/fesa/global/etc/fesa/1.0.0/fesa.aslCluster.cfg
    -cfgmsg /common/export/fesa/global/etc/fesa/1.0.0/messages.cfg \
    -cfgmsglab /common/export/fesa/global/etc/fesa/1.0.0/messagesGSI.cfg \
    -instance /common/fesadata/data/<FECName>/development/fesa-data/DeviceData_<DU-binary>.instance
    The output should be similar to
    Process ../../../build/bin/i686/DU_S created; pid = 45897
    Listening on port 10000

This topic: FESA > WebHome > Fesa3version1 > FESA3Debug100 > FESA3DebugEclipse100
Topic revision: 07 Feb 2014, SolveighMatthies
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