You are here: Foswiki>Applications Web>AppReleaseMain>AppRelease7 (20 Apr 2020, JuttaFitzek)Edit Attach

Release 7

Dependency Graph


If there are missing artifacts, please call Hanno or Andreas.

Parents and Maven-Plugins

  • csco-parent (2.0.2) DONE
  • csco-parent-java (2.0.2) DONE
  • csco-builder-maven-plugin (0.1.3) DONE
  • csco-parent-java-service (2.0.2) DONE
  • csco-parent-java-bundle (2.0.2) DONE
  • lsa-domain-maven-plugin (0.0.8) DONE
  • csco-java-bundle-template (0.0.53) DONE
  • csco-java-fx-template (0.0.4) DONE

3rd party Projects (only the most common ones)

Nothing to do here (just for cross validation, these version numbers are the ones we want to use in the current release):
  • commons-codec (1.3) DONE
  • guava (19.0) DONE
  • hamcrest-core (1.3) DONE
  • jgoodies-forms (1.9.0) DONE TIP (Attention when updating this library, there can be runtime exceptions (no compile errors) so test all your UIs!)
  • junit (4.12) DONE
  • log4j-core (2.5) DONE
  • log4j-slf4j-impl (2.5) DONE
  • mockito-core (1.10.19) DONE
  • ojdbc7 ( DONE
  • slf4j-api (1.7.18) DONE
  • slf4j-log4j12: Sollte entfernt werden, falls vorhanden!
  • swingx (0.9.3) DONE

Projects from CERN

Nothing to do here (just for cross validation, these version numbers are the ones we want to use in the current release):
  • accsoft-commons-diag (0.2.2) DONE
  • accsoft-commons-dbaccess (2.1.0) DONE (!!excludes necessary:*, accsoft-commons-util, commons-logging)
  • accsoft-commons-domain (1.1.0) DONE
  • accsoft-commons-io (3.1.0) DONE
  • accsoft-commons-util (3.1.1) DONE
  • accsoft-commons-value (6.2.0) DONE
  • accsoft-gui-frame (4.1.16) DONE
  • accsoft-security-rba (4.0.3) DONE
  • accsoft-security-rba-util (3.1.3) DONE
  • accsoft-security-sign (1.1.4) DONE
  • japc (4.2.0) DONE
  • japc-ext-cmwrda3 (4.1.0) DONE
  • japc-ext-mockito (2.2.0) DONE
  • japc-ext-remote (5.0.3) DONE
  • japc-gui-viewer (7.0.2) DONE
  • japc-nodeps (4.2.0) DONE
  • japc-value (4.0.0) DONE

Projects from other CSCO Groups

Nothing to do here (just for cross validation, these version numbers are the ones we want to use in the current release):
  • devacc_java (10.26.06) DONE
  • japc-ext-devacc (1.0.14) ALERT! (choice-no, rerelease necessary, dependency range of devacc_java is too small. but can be fixed by excluding devacc and including it with range "[10.26.00,10.27.00)" instead)
  • japc-ext-devacc-eqmodparser (1.1.14) DONE
  • cscoap-error-messages (0.5.0) DONE TIP should be replaced by conditions-art-jar (1.0.0) once it is released (hopefully in R8)

Release-Build Order (from Reactor-Project)

This list shows the order in which the maven reactor project would build the artifacts. This should give an overview of the build order in which the release can be done. It is also possible that an artifact with a higher number can be released before one with a lower number. This can be determined manually by checking the artifact's dependencies.
  1. accsoft-commons-value-gsi: Raphael (0.4.3) DONE
  2. accsoft-commons-physics-gsi: Raphael (0.4.3) DONE
  3. accsoft-security-rba-util-gui-gsi: Hanno (0.1.6) DONE
  4. Framework for application using a hierarchical mvc: Sigi (0.0.4) DONE
  5. cscoap-common-dependencies: Raphael (1.1.5) DONE
  6. LanguageTranslator: Sigi (1.0.3) DONE
  7. ImageLocator: Christian (0.0.9) DONE
  8. cscoap-common-utils: Sigi (0.0.5) DONE
  9. lsa-domain: Hanno (9.12.0) DONE
  10. lsa-client-common: Hanno (9.12.0) DONE
  11. lsa-domain-generated-gsi: Hanno (9.12.0) DONE
  12. lsa-domain-gsi: Hanno (9.12.0) DONE
  13. SchemaWidget model interfaces and classes: Christian (0.0.4) DONE (no site deployed)
  14. lsa-client-gsi: Hanno (9.12.0) DONE
  15. lsa-core: Hanno (9.12.1) DONE
  16. lsa-core-gsi: Hanno (9.12.2) DONE UPDATED
  17. lsa-server-gsi: Raphael / Hanno (9.12.2) DONE UPDATED
  18. lsa-test-gsi: choice-no Moved to attic. We agreed that we don't need it anymore now that we have test-jars.
  19. lsa-app-selection: Hanno (9.12.2) DONE UPDATED
  20. lsa-gui: Hanno (9.12.2) DONE UPDATED
  21. lsa-app-gui-gsi: Hanno (9.12.2) DONE UPDATED
  22. cscoap-common-gui-elements: Andreas (0.1.4) DONE UPDATED
  23. status texts used by DeviceAccess devices: Sigi (0.0.6) DONE
  24. cscoap-common-operdb-intf: Sigi (0.0.6) DONE
  25. java-units: Andreas (1.1.1) DONE
  26. cscoap-common-units: Andreas (0.0.6) DONE
  27. cscoap-common-units-ui: Andreas (0.1.2) DONE UPDATED
  28. cscoap-common-units-ui-demo: Andreas (0.0.1) choice-no (No Changes, not to be released!)
  29. AppApplicationDeviceControl: Sigi (0.0.5) DONE
  30. Feedback Application: Christian (0.0.4) DONE UPDATED
  31. hf-service: Andreas (0.0.1) DONE
  32. ionsource application: Christian (0.0.5) DONE
  33. JavaProEmi: Hanno (0.1.1) DONE Asked Günter. The version we released is fine.
  34. app-launcher: Andreas (0.0.7) DONE UPDATED
  35. magnet scaling application: Sigi (0.0.4) DONE UPDATED
  36. lsa-app-trim: Hanno (9.12.2) DONE
  37. lsa-app-generation: Hanno (9.12.2) DONE
  38. app-parammodi: Andreas (0.0.9) DONE
  39. app-parammodi-old: Christian (0.0.10) DONE
  40. Scan: Christian (0.0.2) DONE UPDATED
  41. septum application: Christian (0.0.4) DONE UPDATED
  42. timing master control: Christian (0.0.3) DONE
  43. lsa-app-calibration-viewer-gsi: Raphael (0.1.2) DONE
  44. lsa-app-equipmonitor: Andreas (9.12.0) DONE
  45. lsa-app-equipmonitor-gsi: Andreas (0.0.4) DONE
  46. lsa-app-equipstate: Raphael (9.12.0) DONE
  47. SchemaWidget API: Christian (1.0.3) DONE
  48. lsa-app-equipstate-gsi: Raphael (0.0.4) DONE
  49. SchemaWidget -Demo: Christian (0.0.4) DONE
  50. Demo Application for GUI Configuration via Spring Application Context: Andreas (0.0.3) DONE

Tools & Scripts

These projects just need their POMs updated after the release, but they need not be released themselves.
  • lsa-db-import: Hanno DONE
  • lsa-hierarchy-gsi: Hanno DONE
  • lsa-mirko-optic-import-gsi: Hanno DONE
  • lsa-py: Hanno TODO Ask Raphael about this project. It uses "parent-cern" which is unknown to me. Seems to have something to do with cmmnbuild repository?
Topic revision: r72 - 20 Apr 2020, JuttaFitzek
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