Switch to acc9

0. Login to the the new Development Cluster

You can connect to the acc9 development cluster by connecting to one of the nodes (asl751 to asl755) via xrdp (by using mstsc from Windows or xfreerdp from Linux) or ssh.

As the home folders reside in /home/.. intead of /common/home/.. (but on the same filesystem!) we need to copy over data, that we want to keep.

1. Create new ssh Keys and Update the key in Gitea

See https://www-acc.gsi.de/wiki/Applications/AppHowToGitPrepareSshKey

don't forget that your ssh key should only be readable by you:

chmod go-rwx ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

2. Setup Eclipse on acc9

2.1 Start Eclipse

The newest Eclipse version on the cluster, which already supports JDK 17 and is recommended by APP.


2.2 Configure Eclipse: Maven

To configure Eclipse correctly, you have to add and use the new maven location:
Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Installations -> add and choose /usr/share/maven/

Please also check, if the following settings are then set correctly:
Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> User Settings -> Global Settings: /usr/share/maven/conf/settings.xml
Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> User Settings -> Local Settings: /home/<group>/<user>/lnx/.m2/settings.xml (e.g. /home/bel/jfitzek/lnx/.m2/settings.xml)
Optional: Maven Repository on Scratch Drive

We recommend putting the rather large maven repository to the non-backuped scratch drive. To enable this, edit your .m2/settings.xml and modify this line accordingly (just an example) <localRepository>/common/scratch/<group>/<user>/.m2/repository</localRepository> When you already had your repository in the .m2 directory in your home folder before, you should remove it with rm -rf repository and to circumvent any problems you can create a link to the new location by calling e.g. ln -s /common/scratch/cscoap/jfitzek/.m2/repository repository

(If you think there is no directory for your group yet in /common/scratch/ , please first check with groups <username> which groups you belong to and if there is one that might fit (e.g. group sbde might fit under sb). If your group is really missing, please contact Christoph Handel.)

2.3 m2e Dependency Resolution Bug in Eclipse 2022-12

If you have the problem, that Eclipse runs into an indefinite build loop, you can use the following script to mitigate that.

1. Disable the option: Project -> Build Automatically in the Eclipse Menu

2. On one of the topmost projects, e.g. an Application, call the following script on the command line to resolve all dependencies:

3. Enable the option: Project -> Build Automatically in the Eclipse Menu

2.4 Eclipse Workspaces

alert In any case, a workspace that was created with or migrated to the new Eclipse version must not be opened with an older Eclipse version!
Start with a new Workspace!

It is highly recommended to create a new Eclipse Workspace on the new Cluster with the new version of Eclipse.

To do so, you may want to use our "make workspace script" (mkws):

Using this script you have a minimal set of projects that are mostly used as dependencies. Feel free to add your own projects afterwards or delete projects you do not need.

Just typing e.g. mkws-dev provides a little help output.

Copy run-configs from an old Workspace

In your Workspace there is a directory .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.debug.core/ that holds all your run configurations, these can be copied to a new workspace. Please keep in mind, that absolute paths in your run configurations have to be updated manually (e.g. path to custom log4j config).

3. Migrate SQL Developer Settings

When first opening SQLDeveloper on the acc9 Cluster, you have to accept a warning regarding Java17. After that you can migrate existing settings and start using the SQLDeveloper.

4. Misc

  • clean up acc7 scratch, move needed files to acc9 scratch
-- JuttaFitzek - 07 Sep 2022

This topic: Applications > WebHome > AppHowToMain > AppHowToMigrateToAcc9
Topic revision: 20 Jan 2023, JuttaFitzek
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