The official page with information regarding Diagnostic Logging resided in the IN Web:


However, the APP group moved to log4j 2 and does not use the log4j 1.2 Socket Appender. Instead we use the logstash-gelf appender that outputs JSON directly in a Graylog compatible format.

Enabling log4j 2

To enable log4j 2 to load the appender you have to add the following maven dependency (please check for the latest version in ):

After that you should already be able to use the logging system since a default configuration is also provided inside aco-logging.

Logger Configuration (Level and Format)

By default the log4j2.xml is configured to log very detailed (DEBUG level) information to the console and fewer (INFO level) to the log server (

If you want to use you own configuration you can specify it during program start:


If the application uses our regular parent and the dependency aco-logging the relative path from the resources directory can be used. A list of the standard configurations can be seen here:


When creating your own configuration and if you do not want to start from scratch and instead modify the XML provided by APP, it can be found here


Here is an example how to use the different APIs available (we strongly suggest to use the Slf4j API):
class LoggingTest {

    // Getting an Slf4J logger
    private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER_A = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggingTest.class);

    // Getting an Apache commons-logging logger 
    private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log LOGGER_B = org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
    // Getting an Log4j 2 logger
    private static final org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger LOGGER_C = org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager

        LOGGER_A.error("This is a logging test 1");
        LOGGER_A.warn("This is a logging test 2");"This is a logging test 3");
        LOGGER_A.debug("This is a logging test 4");

        LOGGER_B.error("This is a logging test 1");
        LOGGER_B.warn("This is a logging test 2");"This is a logging test 3");
        LOGGER_B.debug("This is a logging test 4");

        LOGGER_C.error("This is a logging test 1");
        LOGGER_C.warn("This is a logging test 2");"This is a logging test 3");
        LOGGER_C.debug("This is a logging test 4");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LoggingTest test = new LoggingTest();

Regardless which API you use the message will be forwarded to log4j 2 and the formatting from the log4j.xml will be used.
This is what the output looks like:
ERROR [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,052] ( - This is a logging test 1
 WARN [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,056] ( - This is a logging test 2
 INFO [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,056] ( - This is a logging test 3
DEBUG [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,056] ( - This is a logging test 4
ERROR [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,057] ( - This is a logging test 1
 WARN [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,057] ( - This is a logging test 2
 INFO [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,057] ( - This is a logging test 3
DEBUG [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,057] ( - This is a logging test 4
ERROR [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,057] ( - This is a logging test 1
 WARN [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,058] ( - This is a logging test 2
 INFO [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,058] ( - This is a logging test 3
DEBUG [07 Jan 2015 10:34:13,058] ( - This is a logging test 4


You can add placeholder like {} to the message easily. Using this method the resulting string is only build on execution and might save a few resources. As always, Object.toString is called if you pass objects, nulls are fine.

LOGGER.debug("I want to tell you about {} and {}", 3.14, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());


DEBUG 20-07-31 09:43:05,451 main JavaShell.main  I want to tell you about 3.14 and 20


Maven uses a separate log4j2 configuration showing only warnings and errors. If you want to see more detailed log output in your maven build process, you can add the command line option


-- RaphaelMueller - 07 Jan 2015

This topic: Applications > WebHome > AppHowToMain > AppHowToLogging
Topic revision: 12 Jan 2023, AndreasSchaller
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