Some parts of the Fortran Code have to be modified to fit the Linux environment and the Linux Fortran Compiler. This modification should be done script driven (s. trfor). Similar modifications apply to C sources (s. trc).

Pathnames of includefiles
Substitution of VMS specific path definitions
Substitution of function names
e.g. str_length to len_trim
File name based specific actions
e.g. additional function evocation in selected files (XInitThreads), adaption due to compiler issues, e.g. %REF((xyz))
Change of CALL Subroutine to function evocation for a function declared in source
add and declare missing return value
Change of CALL Subroutine to function evocation for a function declared in include file
no declaration necessary, but add missing include statement and return value
Remove/Comment some functions not implemented/used any more
e.g. lib$establish
Completion of empty arguments with NULL
Add number of arguments to function calls where necessary
e.g. lib$signal()
Change DEC-mechanisms for checking arguments
NullArgument and ArgumentExist to Fortran90 not/present mechanism

Generated on 4 Mar 2014 for ixf by  doxygen 1.4.7