findit Usage

usage: findit [options] pattern-you-want-to-find

-h|--help                   :    this message
-d|--directory dir          :    directory to start searching (.)
-g|--grepopt  grepopt       :    options for grep (-iH)
-f|--file  filepattern      :    files to look in, the default is to look in
                             :    *.c *.h *.for *.f *.cc *.cppmakefile

example: findit -d /usr/local -g '-H' -f '*.c' 'define.*expr' ----> finds all definitions
of expr in c files
example: findit -d . -g '-l' -f makefile PROJ_JAR  ---> finds all jar projects

Generated on 25 Feb 2014 for scripts by  doxygen 1.4.7