buildall Usage


buildall [options]

-V|--verbose                               verbosity output of scripts and  tools
-h|--help                                  prints usage
--documentation                            generates docu
-f|--force                                 force overwriting of existing files
--report <report-file>                     generate report file to mail to migration-list
-d|--directory <directory>                 working directory of build
-p|--repository <svn-repos-version>        repository version of trunk to export and build
-t|--tag <svn-repos-tag>                   repository tag to export and build
-l|--link <link-name>                      link any project version to that name (default: empty, ie. no link)
-b|--buildno <number>                      build number
-a|--builddate <date>                      build date

The options -p (--repository) and -t (--tag) are exclusive.
The version of the build is set to the tag or repository arguments. 
If buildno (-b, --buildno) is given it completes the buildversion 
to <buildno_version>.

Generated on 25 Feb 2014 for scripts by  doxygen 1.4.7