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Results from FESA web retrieved at 22:38 (GMT)

Acronyms FAIR Accelerator Control System Glossary $ API: Application Programming Interface $ CMW: Controls Middle Ware $ CORBA: Common Object Request Brok...
Collection of Questions (collected during evaluation phase January March 2008) General * Is is possible to debug FESA classes with ddd? How??? Main.Solveig...
General For almost all actions mentioned here, you need an active CERN account. If you don't have one already, you can get a CERN account here: GET CERN ACCOUNT ...
Fesa, Fokus der Controls Bei der Evaluierung von FESA sollten verschiedene Aspekte untersucht werden: $ Eignung für GSI Betrieb (siehe hier):: Wie weit ...
Tracking of RT Actions experimental (proposition) Background Synchronized control of the accelerator equipment is achieved by reaction to timing events, distribu...
Main.TobiasHoffmann 09 Dec 2008 Main.HaraldBraeuning 21 Jan 2009 How to use external triggers (max.2) within FESA? To use external triggers with FESA a CTRV ...
r7 - 13 Nov 2009 - 09:45 by HaraldBraeuning
Development Environment and FECs / SCUs Computers for building FESA/DevAcc Software At GSI the following computers can be used to design, code, compile and link ...
(D)evice (EX)plorer Command line access to FESA Devices (for DevAcc devices routing to prophelper output) based on Udo Krauses Python interface for CMW. Flavours...
Directory changing for developers cdf * Change to directory mounted on (f)rontend * cdf scu_number fec_name cdi * Change to directory with (i)ni...
Fesa Explorer The Fesa Explorer is a low level generic tool intended for debugging Fesa classes. It directly uses RDA3 to connect to the Fesa classes. It is there...
FESA Java Tools There are some Java Tools for working with FESA classes, that are usually accessible via the FESA Homepage. In the GSI environment on asl715 they ...
Old Overview * Getting Information from the FESA Database * Accessing FESA front end devices * fex (GUI based) * dex (commandline access) ...
fesa fg dump, fesa fg load, fesa fg arm Both tools are using Python cmwrda, so don't forget to specify production environment by option pro or by setting environ...
fesa instance Update FESA device instance files in the device instance part, data taken from a text file. Utility is located: /common/usr/cscofe/bin/fesa instance...
FESA 2.9 / FESA 2.10 Fesa 2.9 is no longer in use at GSI. Fesa 2.10 is currently being installed on the Blade system. * HowTo * Walkthrough Step by S...
r2 - 05 Feb 2010 - 09:04 by HaraldBraeuning
FESA Configuration: Accelerators, Timing groups and Zones The most recent changes for WR based timing configuration are briefly summarized here. Status Quo 03/20...
FESA3 Archive Misc * Moving to FESA3 7.x.x and Eclipse 2019 03 * Working with the SVN Repository FESA FWK * FESA3 4.3.1 (08/2017) * FESA3 4.2.0 (03/...
Device Configuration Workflow in the new Control System Best Practices Issues to consider when configuring / integrating / removing accelerator devices for / in...
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment ASLCluster asl73x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl730 asl734. Log in is possible wi...
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment for FESA3 2.0.1 ASLCluster asl73x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl730 asl734. Log i...
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment for FESA3 2.2.2 / 2.3.2 ASLCluster asl73x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl730 asl73...
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment for FESA3 3.0.0 ASLCluster asl73x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl730 asl734. Log i...
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment for FESA3 3.1.0 ASLCluster asl73x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl730 asl734. Log i...
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment for FESA3 8.0.0 ASLCluster asl74x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl740 asl744. Log i...
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment for FESA3 8.0.0 ASLCluster asl74x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl740 asl744. Log i...
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment ASLCluster asl72x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl720 asl724. Log in possible with ...
FESA3 Installation for MCS Project Information * https://www * Login info's and system names can be found here ...
FESA3 Introduction On this page the slides for the FESA3 introduction including an example class in 11/2018 are collected. * FESA3_Introduction.pdf: FESA3 Intr...
r5 - 20 Nov 2018 - 16:22 by DominicDay
"Nightly" Release of FESA From time to time a development version of FESA will be exposed for beta testers. The goal is to be able to test new developments in the...
REST Interface to the FESA DB Productive Version The REST interface to the FESA DB in the productive environment: client/v1 Docume...
Release and Run FESA Software Software written with FESA can be run in different environments, according to the specific needs. In order to make the software avai...
Release and Run FESA Software Software written with FESA can be run in different environments, according to the specific needs. In order to make the software avai...
FESA3 Releases / Changes FESA3 Plug In 2.10.8 for Eclipse 2022 12 (03/2023) on asl75 Bug Fixes * Subset instance export to database (different configdb overl...
r183 - 27 Mar 2023 - 11:05 by DominicDay
FESA Threads FESA uses threads to handle events, to communicate between its Server and Realtime components and to manage various background activities. Their prio...
FESA3 User Space This wiki page is intended to collect FESA3 user written manuals and documentation. General FESA Projects * How To... * TipsZumGSIAcqui...
r8 - 15 Apr 2024 - 11:47 by TobiasHabermann
Deliver FESA3 equipment at GSI In order to run your equipment, you first need to deliver it to the testing directory. NOTE: To have the writing rights to deploy a...
Deliver FESA3 euipment In order to run your equipment, you first need to deliver it to the testing directory. NOTE: To have the writing rights to deploy a Deploym...
Release and Run FESA Software Software written with FESA can be run in different environments, according to the specific needs. In order to make the software avai...
Weekly Team Meetings 05.05.2010 02.06.2010 16.06.2010 07.07.2010 28.07.2010 29.09.2010 01.12.2010 Extraordinary Meetings 14.09.2010 15.03.2011 Hallo zusammen...
FESA concepts * 05.12.2017 Arbeitstreffen "Zukunft von FESA Realtime" * 07.03.2017 Dev /Pro Environment * 29.05.2015 Frontend Integration Meeting * ...
Decoding WR timing events To decode WR timing events a new tool was added to the toolbox. The tool can directly 'translate' output from the WR snoop tool. Decodi...
Inhalt: %TWISTYBUTTON{ id="tocid" link=" anzeigen" }%%TWISTYTOGGLE{ id="tocid" }% Common Documentation * Development workflow for productive ...
Documentation for FESA3 core developers * Future Releases * Release FESA3 7.x.x "Carbon" Planning * Installation Testplan FESA3 7.x.x * FESA3...
FESA3 1.2.0 released 01/14 26.02.2014: The last weeks have shown that this version contains several severe bugs. Please do not use this version anymore. Inf...
FESA3 1.2.2 released 03/14 Information for FESA3 class developers Start * Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment * Quick overview on how to...
FESA3 1.3.1 05 / 2014 Information for FESA3 class developers Start * Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment * Quick overview on how to deve...
FESA3 2.0.1 "Helium" 09 / 2014 Information for FESA3 class developers Start * Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment * Quick overview on ho...
FESA3 2.2.2 "Helium" 04 / 2015 Information for FESA3 class developers Important: please note that this release targets 64 bit systems only. Start * Inst...
FESA3 2.3.2 "Helium" 07 / 2015 Information for FESA3 class developers Important: please note that this release targets 64 bit systems only. Start * Inst...
FESA3 3.0.0 "Lithium" 10 / 2015 Information for FESA class developers Important: please note that this release targets 64 bit systems only. Start * Install...
FESA3 3.1.0 "Lithium" 02 / 2016 Information for FESA class developers Important: please note that this release targets 64 bit systems only. For simplicity this...
FESA3 4.0.0 "Beryllium" 09 / 2016 Information for FESA class developers Start * Installation of the FESA Development Environment * Quick overview on ho...
FESA3 4.2.0 "Beryllium" 03 / 2017 Information for FESA class developers Start * Installation of the FESA Development Environment * Quick overview on ho...
FESA3 4.3.1 "Beryllium" 08 / 2017 Information for FESA class developers Start * Installation of the FESA Development Environment * Quick overview on ho...
FESA3 5.0.x "Boron" (5.0.1: 03 / 2018, 5.0.2: 12 / 2018) Information for FESA class developers Start * Installation of the FESA Development Environment ...
FESA3 7.1.0 "Nitrogen" (02 / 2021) Information for FESA class developers Start * Installation of the FESA Development Environment * Quick overview on h...
FESA3 8.0.1 "Oxygen" (planned for 10 / 2020) Information for FESA class developers Start * Installation of the FESA Development Environment * Quick ove...
3.0 beta Information for FESA3 class developers First Contact * Installation of the Eclipse FESA3 development environment * Creation of a first basic cl...
FESA3 0.8.x released 01/13 Information for FESA3 class developers Start * Installation of the Eclipse Development Environment * Quick overview on how...
FESA3 1.0.0 released 07/13 Information for FESA3 class developers Start * Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment * Quick overview on how to...
FESA Open Issues and Long Term Goals Classes * FESA: sollen falsche oder fehlende value items einer Property von der FESA Klasse mit Exception abgelehnt werd...
FESA Open Issues and Long Term Goals Common * SUCCESS /FAILURE Rückmeldung beim Setzen von Werten via Property? FESA Klassen abhängig oder generelle Lösung ...
Concept for Deployment and Rollout General Udo's General Thoughts Auszug aus Udos Email vom 12.04.2016, 16:29 Uhr: "Meine große Sorge in diesem Zusammenhang si...
FESA Open Issues and Long Term Goals Core and Framework * NFS Ersatz für SCU Software, Instanziierungsdateien, persistente Daten, ... * Komplett oder n...
FESA Open Issues and Long Term Goals Tools * ... * ...
Get an account In order to work with FESA, you first need an account on the acc network. More details about that, you can find here: IN.UserAccount Access t...
FEC overview This article is about the frontends supported by the FE group. Names and subnets FECs are available in different domain names: * hostname.acc.gsi...
FESA Hardware Specific Information * RIO3 Setup * MEN A20 Serial Wiring * Micro TCA * ECA Unit White Rabbit Front End Hardware * HW Trigge...
Howto * Developers Corner An unsorted collection of important bits and pieces (need a better place) * Move CERN FESA Class to GSI FESA class design * A St...
Ideas Editor, FESA Shell * Improved editing comfort (e.g. possibility to sort properties by name etc; visualization of connections from data types to properti...
GSI FESA Core Development * Main.SolveighMatthies (Controls Group, FESA3) * Main.HaraldBraeuning (Beam Diagnostics, FESA2.10 expert, FESA2.10 and FESA3 dev...
Moving to FESA3 7 and Eclipse 2019 03 New and Noteworthy FESA3 7.0.x https://www TODO Cycle bound Properties In FESA3 ...
r5 - 13 Apr 2020 - 19:08 by JuttaFitzek
Usage of the Directory(Name) Server Information about the currently running directory server you can find here! To use this server, some environment variables ha...
How to set up a new RIO 3 VME CPU (8064WL) for the FESA environment? * For the beam diagnsotics group we have chosen following naming convention: sddsc00x.acc....
r3 - 14 Nov 2008 - 15:14 by TobiasHoffmann
Brainstorming Future of FESA Realtime #IstZustand 1 Ist Zustand * Versorgung der FGs benötigt länger als gewünscht. * Interrupthandling in SAFTlib ist inef...
Sequencer: Class interface adaption Der Sequencer ermöglicht automatisiertes Testen von Geräten durch den kompletten Stack (siehe AP https://www
Main.TobiasHoffmann 22 Feb 2008 The CERN VME Timing Module CTRV The CTRV is a CERN VME timing receiver board. So far we have no distributed timing, therefore the...
r8 - 27 Jan 2009 - 16:29 by HaraldBraeuning
Trouble Shooting The FESA crashes with a segmentation fault during startup on ppc4 Segmentation faults when trying to read a non existent Persistent Data xml fil...
r4 - 19 Aug 2010 - 12:06 by RainerHaseitl
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
Statistics for FESA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
What is FESA ? The software running in the front end equipment controllers (FECs) will be developed using an adequate front end framework, called FESA. This frame...
Number of topics: 85

Results from FAIR web retrieved at 22:38 (GMT)

System Information Present Development System Environment and Configuration This is the present system environment, for upcoming Releases check the target enviro...
r11 - 13 Apr 2020 - 13:37 by JuttaFitzek
Controls Entwicklungsforum Das Controls Entwicklungsforum stellt ein Forum für Entwickler dar. Neue Entwicklungen und Konzepte sollen innerhalb der Abteilung präs...
Number of topics: 2

Results from Frontend web retrieved at 22:38 (GMT)

Update from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0 Due to major structural changes, the most recent silecs eclipse plugin does not support silecs 0.9.0 classes/deploys any more. You nee...
Silecs Basics Create a new silecs design * File New Project Silecs Design * Enter a name and keep the proposed silecs version * Add some Blo...
Silecs Basics Create a new silecs design * First create a new FESA class .. check here for details on that * Create the .silecsdesign xml file: silecs c ~...
Silecs Basics Create a new silecs design * First create a new FESA class .. check here for details on that * Create the .silecsdesign xml file: silecs c ~...
Number of topics: 4

Results from Machines web retrieved at 22:38 (GMT)

Environment and Building Blocks Environment Environment * p Linac Source* p Linac UNILAC SIS18 ESR CRYRING ...
Number of topics: 1

Results from Main web retrieved at 22:38 (GMT)

My links: * SolveighMatthies * My activities * Frontend * FESA * MicroIOCInfos * Rufbereitschaft FESA * Rufbereitschaft DeviceAccess ...
Number of topics: 1

Results from Service web retrieved at 22:38 (GMT)

A RESTful Service to access FESA and DeviceAccess devices. japc rest is a RESTful service that allows accessing FESA or DeviceAccess devices, platform and program...
Number of topics: 1

Results from Timing web retrieved at 22:38 (GMT)

Acronyms These acronyms are focused on the timing system, but may contain other acronyms of the accelerator complex as well. Unclear Acronyms acronyms to be clar...
r9 - 19 Sep 2016 - 15:45 by MichaelReese
Number of topics: 1
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